Happy birthday Aunt April!

Today is my baby sister April's 12th birthday. <3

(This photo thanks to http://www.cakecentral.com)

Man its so weird for me to think that 12 years ago, I was approached by my fourth grade teacher and told that my mom had had her baby. I couldn't wait for school to get out so that my grandparents would take Natalie and I to the hospital to see my mom. My parents were originally planning on naming her Danielle and calling her Dani for short. But according to them, when she came out she just didn't look like a Dani (this I can totally understand because I did a similar thing with Alan's original name in the womb... Wayne lol). They decided to name her April Danielle, a wonderful compromise I think. :) April was a great baby, and the sweetest little toddler ever! She started dancing at two and half years old and has yet to stop to this day lol! :) And now, she's blossomed into this beautiful, always dancing, always happy, young lady. <3 Wow to think next year she'll be a teenager! Ahhh, that's scary!

April, I love you to the sun and back. <3 No matter where life takes you, you will always be my baby sister and always have a special place in my heart. Enjoy Great Falls and bring me home stories! We love you! Happy birthday beautiful girl!


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