On inventions...

My husband definitely is an intriguing man. I love him so lol. <3 For those of you that don't know, my husband is not only the supervisor at the Village Inn, he's a somewhat successful inventor. I say this because of all the inventions he's made, a good sum of his inventions have either hurt him or made a "mess" but a handful have been quite successful. I have a blog post back loaded into my computer about a specific invention (his jet pack lol) that caused him quite a minor injury and made a disaster of my house, I'll have to locate it tonight and upload it here because its a must read and a classic. :) I have since then made him promise to put his jet pack plans aside until we purchase our own house, so he has moved his focus back to robotics. His full plan is to create a humunoid robot, but for now he's developing the hands and feet of said robot.

You know Honey I Shrunk the Kids or even Flubber? That's my husband lol, only waaaaaaay more attractive than either Rick Moranis or Robin Williams!

(This photo thanks to http://www.clevescene.com)

Today while Alan napped, Lon was able to work on his robots fingers and start one of his hands. I got time to start and read a good chunk of Water For Elephants (I know, I'm so bad lol! I just started it!) after I had meditated and vacuumed the living room. It was a nice for us to both get some time to ourselves to do things we wanted to and Lon got a lot accomplished with his hand! :) I checked out his progress after only a short bit and he had already developed a three jointed finger setup and had made four other fingers! He has since created the whole upper hand and just has to finish developing the palm and wrist. He has an easy movement system set up and just needs to get parts for the motor. Wow! Definitely chalking this down as a successful invention! :D

Lon has gone to work and my whole family is out of town, so Alan and I might go to the Imaginarium at the mall after he finishes with snack. Or we might just takeover Grandma and Grandpa Kimmel's house to play in and use their laundry facilities lol. I cannot believe that two Saturdays from right now, we will have had our wedding and I will be an Andersen! I'm so excited!


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