Spring is here again! Hope its stays for more than a week this time lol!

Today was a wonderful, relaxing day for me and my family. Alan woke us up pretty early, so we all snuggled in bed and watched the Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends movie for a few hours. Then I pulled myself out of bed lol, and made the family eggs with toast and hashbrowns. My boys love Sunday morning breakfasts, they both chowed their food down and even had seconds! :) It looked like a nice, sunny day outside so we dressed Alan in shorts for the first time of the year and took him for a walk around the neighborhood. He loves walking outside on his own, holding our hands and talking with us. He is growing into such a big boy these days, he seems to understand more each day and is such a sponge when it comes to learning. I love how smart he's become these days. <3

After the walk, we had a lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and chicken noodle soup. Alan's getting better at scooping with the spoon, and its adorable to hear him enthusiastically say, "Scoooooopp!!!" each time he spoons up food. :) Too cute! Alan then went down for his nap, so Lon and I got some spring cleaning done. Then we were able to get some alone time to ourselves, Lon worked some more on his robotic hand and I was able to read more of my book. I'm already about halfway done with it, whoo-eeee I read too fast sometimes lol! Its just a wonderful book, and I've gotten pulled into it. I can't seem to put it down!! :) And Lon has almost the whole hand developed now, just needs to "thicken" it up a bit (his words lol). I'll ask him if I can post a pic of it on here, and get one up asap if I can. Its pretty darn cool looking!

Once Alan had woken up, we had snack and then watched the Elmo Goes Party DVD while we colored. Alan is has still plateaued with his potty training, but I'm not going to start him with underwear until after the wedding. So I don't mind too much. If we stay home all day (like we pretty much did this week), then Alan normally will not wet a diaper all day. Like today. :) He went potty twelve times today, and was successful seven of those times! And he only used one diaper today really, just to go poop. He's getting there and I'm very proud that he's being this attentive about it, at only nineteen months old! Alan also colored Aunt April a birthday picture of a ballerina Zoey from Seasame Street. Then we read some books and played with his cars and Matchbox garage.

We had a coupon for milkshakes at Dairy Queen, so the family went there for "tweets" before dinner. Not the online mini blogs of people, that's Alan for treats (I know, bad mama for doing it backwards lol). :P Lon and I got chocolate and Alan got vanilla but halfway through mine Alan insisted on having some of mine, so we switched. Children... :) Alan had fun drinking through a straw again, and enjoyed using a spoon again too. Then we took Lon to work for a few hours and went to Grandma Melanie's house. The family had just gotten home from Great Falls, so we hung out with them and Alan played outside with Uncle Kalvin and Grandpa Kevin. Then when it got dark, we went in and listened to Aunt April practice her violin. <3 Alan's so silly, he likes to get right underneath the end of her bow to listen. :) Then we gave her the birthday card Alan colored and helped me make. She loved it, and loved the dancing Zoey the most. <3

When we picked up Lon at work, he surprised us with a Chicago style pepperoni and mushroom pizza for dinner! Yum it was delicious! Alan can even say "pizza" now! He wouldn't STOP saying it all dinner lol! :P We had beets with our pizza, and though it sounds weird Alan loved them! He's gonna have red poo the next few days, because I think he ate more beets than pizza! But I'm glad I've found another vegetable that he likes, and beets are really really healthy for you! Score one for this mama! :)

Then it was bathtime, and bedtime, and now its this mama's time again. Lon and I are going to watch Skyline for the first time. Hope its good! Today was a great Spring day for this family, hope it doesn't go away!! :) Have a great week everyone!


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