Toddler Talk Thursdays!! April 28, 2011

Still not feeling my best, but I'm still planning on going to work today. Blah. Wish I could take off a few days to recover like Alan did, but I'm the mama so I can't.  :P Anyways, today I'm again running around getting my name legally changed to Andersen. But I'm gonna start this blog hop from Crazy about my Baybah, Family and Life in Las Vegas and Sippy Cup Mom today. Its called Toddler Talk Thursdays! :D Enjoy!

Crazy About My Baybah

This week's topic: 
What's your toddler's bedtime routine?

We start Alan's bedtime routine at 8 pm, when we usually get home from work. If its Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday night then we give him a half hour bath. If its Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday then we watch Yo Gabba Gabba and we color. After that, I read him several books and we snuggle in my bed. Then we brush his teeth, go on the "NightNight Train" to his bedroom. The "NightNight Train" is a favorite with my boy lol. Its a spin-off on the PBS show the Dinosaur Train, only we go around and say goodnight to pictures in our house. Alan has recently started singing the "NightNight Train Song" with us too. :) It goes something like this:

"Going on the NightNight Train. Chugg chugg, choo choo. We all love the NightNight Train. Chugga chugga chugga, choo choo choo."

You sing those four sentences over and over lol, and then you have it!! I know, classic right? That's one you will definitely be singing in the shower tomorrow, lmao! :P After the NightNight Train, I rock him to sleep. Lol yes I still rock my baby to sleep, but lately I have been putting him down earlier and earlier so that he gets used to putting himself to sleep. But I just can't get over snuggling with him and rocking him to sleep, feeling that blessed moment when he finally falls asleep and his little body rests more comfortably into my body. <3 I'm sure I'll be able to give up rocking him to sleep when he's two... Or when he gets his toddler bed lol. :)

Idea for next week's topic:
What types of arts and crafts do you participate in with your toddler?


  1. Don't rush the cuddling! You can be sure when he's 13, you won't be rocking him to sleep, so enjoy it while it lasts! :-)
    Congrats on your recent marriage! :-D

    I'm a new GFC follower!
    Check out my Toddler Talk post this week!

  2. Thanks! Have a great weekend! :)


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