Back to Square, er Step One...

Alan threw up three times today. Once around 9 after breakfast of banana yogurt, again around noon after he had some chicken broth watered down (probably not my best idea), and the third time around 2 after my husband insisted on giving him a dosage of the probiotics (we think this time was only because he was force gagging himself on the grittiness). Surprisingly, he did keep the probiotics down. We were lucky there. :) Alan is currently (even though he's in bed now) on Step 3, and when he awakes he will be back on Step 4.

Our biggest concern with this right now is dehydration. With the combination of explosive diarrhea (Sounds terrible, but that's the best description I have. He will fill a whole dry diaper in one sitting) and persistant vomit, a toddler can easily become hydrated and end up in the ER. Alan's doctor reminded us of this at our visit, and I would like to avoid this at all costs. We are following this diet to a "T" and even when he is allowed to drink as he pleases (Steps 3, 4 and 5) I am always offering him his drink. Alan has never personally been hospitalized for dehydration, but I was when I was pregnant with him, sometime around the second trimester. I know all too well what involves "rehydrating" a person and the hour to two hour long process it is. I would not like Alan to go through that, no thanks.

His appetite is improving, slowly but surely. His sleep pattern has luckily not been affected at all, he continues to go to bed and rise at consistant times. His naps have increased from one hour to 2-4 hours a day. But then again, he's healing. :) His demeanor has improved as well, he seems to be gaining a little more of himself back. Today we finished most of his "homework" from art class. We worked on his Easter egg and his Easter card. Now he only has to do his Monet watercolor painting sometime tomorrow or Thursday. Alan is still really into just laying down and snuggling, which is okay with this mama. This morning we watched Seasame Street, Sid the Science Kid, Jungle Junction and Chugginton together in bed. It was great. :) He even snuggled nicely while I did Top Two Tuesday. :) Good little boy!

Hopefully this will all be gone by Friday. Crossing my fingers he'll be better for the wedding! :)

In other news...

I totally spaced mentioning this earlier today. Last night it snowed! Like quite a bit too, but it was weird because the snow was heavy so by noon it was all melting onto the ground. It was crazy to look out the window this morning and see the HUGE snowflakes falling to the ground! And somewhat off-putting and upsetting, I'll be honest. But I was relieved when I saw it start to melt. Now there's only random chunks of partially melted snow in different places on the ground. But no snow in the trees and none on the ground. :) Gotta love Aprils in Montana!


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