This weekend was complete bliss! Thanks to everyone!

Ooh everything went so well this weekend! We had our private wedding (only parents and grandparents were invited) Saturday afternoon at the Veteran's Memorial Park next to the courthouse. We were married by Judge Herenadez, who was just hilarious! :) Then yesterday, we had our wedding reception at the Village Inn. Both events were just wonderful, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. And for those of you readers on the edge of your seats wondering if Lon got to a tux store on time or just went in jeans... He did! And man did he look dashing! <3

There are so many people I am thankful for, who pulled through for us and helped make this wedding perfect! I'd like to first thank my parents and Lon's parents, for all the assistance and support they gave us. My Maid of Honor, Jenelle, for making our wedding cakes, doing my hair for the wedding, planning my Bachelorette party and helping with reception decorations. She did such a beautiful job on the cakes and my hair. I totally appreciate her helping us plan and purchase our decorations too. I'd also like to thank my three other bridesmaids, for helping me with anything and everything I asked you to do. :) You girls surely are great! Lon's best man Darren was so awesome to us too. He planned Lon's Bachelor party and wrote a hilarious speech. Lon's two brothers were great help too. Chase played waiter at the reception and made the delicious pizzas. And Cameron helped clean up the mess afters lol.

I'd like to also thank Jeff Bryson, who did our wedding photography and did an amazing job! I love the ones you've produced so far and I can't wait to see the rest of them! And Dixine at Gainan's for my gorgeous flowers and bouquets! That yellow was so pretty with all the purple! I'd like to thank Larissa and the other girls at David's Bridal, for helping me pick the perfect dress, veil and shoes! And finally Nikki at Ritual's Spa and Salon for doing my manicure and pedicure for the wedding. She did a great job, was very understanding when I messed up one of her nails on accident and it was all very relaxing!

I had such a grand time and am so glad that everyone else did as well. Thanks to everyone who came and celebrated with us! We appreciate you sharing our love with us! And thank you for all the wonderful gifts. :) You guys spoiled us!

I hope that I can get these photos up here asap, I will dedicate an entire post just to them! Lol, have a good night everyone! No Meet Me on Monday today, but I'll see you tomorrow for Top Two Tuesday. Peace!


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