What springtime means to me...

Alan's doing better today. I know I keep saying that every morning and then posting twelve hours later saying he's regressed, but I'm hopeful today. He's on Step 4 this morning, and only had two bad blow outs last night. He hasn't gotten sick since two yesterday and should hopefully be able to go to daycare this afternoon. We hoping that he's finally in the clear and will not regress anymore. I really want him feeling good the day before the wedding so that he can enjoy this weekend as well! :) The only thing I'm nervous about still keeping him hydrated and then his probiotic dosage. That's what made him vomit last time, so we are planning to try a different way of getting it in him.

Oh my gosh, the wedding is in THREE DAYS!!! That's so close, I'm starting to panic a little lol. Everythings planned and paid for, except Lon's vest and button up shirt. We had to use the money for that to buy medicine and diapers when Alan first got sick. And now we have to wait until Friday *gulps* when I get paid, to get him his outfit. I hope we are able to and nothing goes wrong lol! We're cutting it waaaaaaaaaay close. :)

And now, I want to try this thing I call What Springtime Means to Me... Lol I know it sounds like a fourth grade essay, but it is something I'd like to do for all of the seasons. So here you are, and enjoy! :D

What Springtime Means to Me...

Springtime is birds chirping and the sunshine outside my window waking me up in the morning.

Springtime is trips to Riverfront Park to feed and chase the ducks and geese.

Springtime is walking everywhere and recycling for Earth Day.

Springtime is dying Easter eggs with Aunt April and Uncle Kalvin, Easter egg hunts with the family and pictures with the Easter Bunny.

 Springtime is going to the Shrine circus to see all the acrobats, clowns, jugglers, tigers and elephants.

Springtime is jumping and playing in the rain puddles after a rain shower.

Springtime is creative colorful chalk drawings up and down the driveway and sidewalk.

Springtime is the beginning of Grandpa Kevin's famous outdoor barbeques. Yum!

Springtime is being OUTSIDE in the sunshine!!! :D

Springtime is celebrating my siblings' birthdays (April 8, May 4, May 5) in each their own individual ways.

Springtime is going to Dos Mochos on Cinco de Mayo to celebrate Mexico and Aunt Natalie's birthday.

Springtime is going to all of Aunt April's dance competitions and cheering her on from backstage, with my toddler on my hip.

Springtime is for breaking out the light coats, skirts, shorts and flip flops and is also for wearing them defiantly sometimes even when the weather isn't nice enough. :)

Springtime is morning walks around the neighborhood with the family, exploring and talking as we go.

Springtime is drinking Rasberry Ice and eating strawberries on the porch.

Springtime is getting down and dirty while planting trees for Mother Earth on Arbor Day.

Springtime is spring cleaning your house and your mental state.

Springtime is still going outside to play, even if its raining. You just bring your boots and umbrella of course. :)

Springtime is celebrating playing in the dirt and mud, because its the first time of the year the ground isn't covered with snow.

Springtime is green trees, green grass and flowers!

Springtime is horseback riding and helping feed animals on Great Grandpa Gordon's ranch.

Springtime is experiencing the beauty of live animal birth and helping with it, if you're old enough to. :)

Springtime is the beginning of nightly meditation trips to the Rims during sunset. Its the most peaceful and beautiful time to meditate.

Springtime is camping in Nye by the river for Labor Day weekend.

Springtime is preparing for summer and all the wonderful things that come with it.

What does springtime mean to you???


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