Thoughts on this week... (with art class information!!)

So its midweek and while everyone else is busy (Lon is doing the therapy thing :D and Alan is having lunch next to me in his highchair) I'd like to take a moment to reflect on how this week is going for me and the family. 

Art class yesterday was good. There was supposed to be five students total, but only one other kid showed up besides Alan. That made for a more private class though, which was nice. The theme for this month is Famous Artists and Springtime. Yesterday's projects were Pablo Picasso Cubism Faces, Pipe Cleaner Flowers, and Easter Bunny Drawing. Lon helped Alan with the harder parts of each project but Alan pretty much colored, drew, cut and glued all on his own. :) His projects turned out great too! We had a very good time together overall (and we always do). I didn't get any photos, but I haven't figured out how to upload them from my cell phone anyways.

I always seem to have people searching for information about my art and birthday party programs on my blog. Wow, quite flattering, thank you. :) I will post the birthday party information on another post, but for those of you interested in Y- Arts classes for May, here is the information:

May Theme: Animals and Mother's Day

Parent/Toddler classes (18 months to 2 years)
Tuesdays 11:15-12
Thursdays 11:15-12

Toddler Classes (3 to 4 years)
Tuesdays 10:15-11
Wednesdays 10:15-11

Pre-K (4 to 5 years)
Wednesdays 11:15-12
Thursdays 10:15-11

Kindergarten (5 to 6 years)
Saturdays 10-11

Cost: Members of YMCA: $20
Non Members: $40

Unfortunately, I think Alan is getting sick. He snot has recently turned a tad bit yellow and he has a pretty bad wet cough. Its been keeping him up at night, and last night he slept with us because he was coughing so bad. :( We've steamed the bathroom and done that a few times and have been lathering him up in Vicks VapoRub every night before bed, but that doesn't seem to be enough. *Sigh* I'm gonna wait one more day before making him an appointment, as of right now I think he might just have a cold. His appetite hasn't changed, nor are you even able to tell his sick when he's awake (because of the amount of energy he has) and he only really has two symptoms. I just hate taking him in only to be dismissed with simply having a cold. It soooooo frustrating.

Our wedding day is seventeen days away... and my husband still has yet to buy his shirt or vest for his tuxedo. I have my dress and shoes, the bridesmaids and groomsmen have their outfits, our flowers are ordered, the photographer is scheduled, as is the venue, we have our rings and all the surrounding events (bridal shower, rehearsal dinner, reception) are planned. But I still feel panicked when I think about the date being so near. Hmmm lol, I think its just my nerves because I have known for a long time that I wanted to Lon to be my husband. We have been through so much together and are so strong together, I love him more than anything (except maybe Alan). It probably just my Anxiety Disorder poking its nasty head out. We will make it to the deadline, and have everything we need, and it will be OKAY if Lon is married in just his UnderArmour and Dickies (what he wants to wear lol). He will still look handsome and I will still love him just as much. :) I just need to remember to breaaathe.

I don't know what my weekend is gonna look like just yet. I only have birthday parties to do this Saturday but I'm not sure what our other plans will be. Grandma Melanie, Aunt April, Aunt Natalie and Uncle Kalvin are going to Great Falls for Aunt April's pointe shoe fitting (That girl's a hardcore dancer like her big sis was!) and a dance workshop. It also Aunt April's 12th birthday on Friday. We hope to meet up with her before she and the family leave, or else see her Sunday. And we might possibly set up a playdate with one of Alan's friend's and I might have another "wedding meeting" with my maid of honor on Saturday. But as for Family Sunday??? Who knows? :D


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