Pumpkin Patch Adventures

Lon convinced me that going to the pumpkin patch the Saturday before Halloween would not be a good idea, as all the good pumpkins would be gone. So today when I finished teaching my art class, the three of us went to the Maize at Grandpa's Farm, the local fall festivities headquarters, for some Great Pumpkin hunting! The main attraction there is the corn maze, but they also have a pumpkin and a squash patch, hay rides, pig races, hay jungle gym/ play ground, cow train and pedal car. We had quite the time exploring everything and experiencing the wonders of fall. :)

Upon first arrival, we set Alan down to walk around a little and he was immeadiately off! He proudly led us to look at the tall cornstalks, the pedal cart track and then to the hay jungle gym, where he tried to climb the crickety old stairs! That gave me a bit of a heart attack lol, so we distracted him with pumpkin picking. Which Alan loved, by the way! :) He had too much of a hard time walking around on the uneven ground of the pumpkin patch, so we brought him over to a little pack of pumpkins to pick from. He picked two, kinda tiny pumpkins and one squash that looked like a flattened hat lol. I think he liked the squash the best because Lon put it on his head when they found it. :) He thought it was the funniest thing!

Lon showing Alan where corn comes from

Alan and I explored the rest of the farm while Lon put the pumpkins and squash in the car. We ran into three of Alan's buddies from daycare, and the two older kids had a fun time running around squealing and laughing with Alan. While the little one slept in her stroller. :) Then when Daddy came back, we went on Alan's first ever hayride! He didn't seem to realize we were moving or going anywhere lol, the tractor was pulling us real slowly. He kept attempting to stand on the hay the whole time! Crazy little boy! :) I think overall his favorite part of the hay ride was the big red tractor pulling it, with its big black wheels. He loved those wheels and touching them. He was just fascinated with them!

Alan and I on the hay ride

After the hay ride, we watched the pig races. Alan wasn't interested in them before they started racing, but as soon as they were off, he was all eyes. Everytime a pig ran past the part of fence we were watching by, Alan would squeal and clap his hands lol. A black and white spotted pig won, and when we took Alan to see them afterwards, that pig was his favorite. He kept pointing at that one and babbling away about him. :) The wind started to pick up around this time, so we prepared to head home.

All in all, a good pumpkin picking adventure. :D Here is Alan with all of our pumpkins and our squash!

We've came up with our Jack-o-Lantern ideas- for Alan's pumpkin we'll make it Elmo, and for our pumpkin and the squash we'll make a Pauly D pumpkin lmao!! :D Should be a classic, will try to post pics of them!!


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