Bringing everyone up to date...

I'm writing this post just to bring everyone up to par on my crazy, wild life. So if you already know what's up, please bear with me. :) Thanks!

I am a 21 year old mother to a 13 month old little boy named Alan Mikael. I am married (by common law only, we plan on having our wedding in a year or two) to the greatest man for me, Lon. We live in Billings, Montana-  under the beautiful Big Sky. :) And I wouldn't change anything about my life. <3

Lon and I aren't your average couple, but of course you expected that. :D We met September 5, 2008 through Lon's older brother, Tyler. The interesting thing about our meeting date is it was exactly a year before Alan's birth date. Anyways, we hit it off immediately and by the end of the night we became... how should I put this, friends who are also intimate lol. I don't like using the cliche term "Friends with benefits" as it seems so high school when Lon and I are adults.  But we were primarily friends who also spent every night together. :) In all honesty though, I preferred to be in this sort of open relationship and we grew to be very attached to each other. So much that in November 2008 when I was wrongly evicted from my duplex, Lon had me move in with him. And then December 2008, we got our first apartment together.

One thing we were oblivious to was the growing child inside my body during those holiday months. I was taken for ill many times, but we didn't even take a pregnancy test until after New Year's Day- when I was already five weeks pregnant! I'll be completely honest, the pregnancy did shake our relationship to the core. Lon had never wanted to settle down and have kids, and that was always the one thing we didn't discuss because I did. So this unexpected pregnancy suddenly thrust at us was quite scary. Being the realist that he is, Lon opted for adoption, as he knew we wouldn't have enough money to properly raise a child. I think he really was just scared. However, I wanted to keep it and was too afraid to come out and tell him. So we went the first trimester and most of the second with that mindset.

But after I had felt its first kick and discovered that it was actually a boy, I knew I couldn't let him go. I had wanted a baby so badly in 2007 when I was pregnant with Rosalie, who resulted in a miscarriage. She had been taken away from me, how could I just blindly give this one away? After Lon lost his job, our car broke down, and we found rats in our apartment, I knew that Lon and I would always be together because we had pulled through, stronger than ever. So when I delivered Alan Mikael on September 5, 2009 at 10:23 pm at the Deconess Billings Clinic, he was not up for adoption. He was ours. <3

That first year with Alan was a magical blur. It was almost like the minute he was able to start moving, he took advantage of it and started pushing himself to really move! In the hospital, when all the nurses were telling me how weak babies are, Alan lifted up his head and held it (straight mind you) for about half a minute. It even shocked the doctors! :) At six weeks, he finally overcame the doctors fears and weighed ten pounds. At two months, he giggled for the first time, which brought tears to my eyes rather than a laugh to my mouth.  At four months, he sat up by himself, for five minutes! I was so proud! At five and a half months, he was crawling perfectly. And four days later, he was pulling himself up on things and cruising! At six months, he was eating baby cereal and baby food. At seven months, he was climbing stairs. At eight and half months, he was standing. At nine and a half months, he was walking! At eleven months, he was trying to run. And now, at thirteen months, he is acting more like a two year old than a one year old! :) Up next for my family? Potty training... But thankfully not until Christmas time. At least one more month of freedom! :D

So now everyone's up to date on my life, becoming and being a mother. :) I may not do things traditionally, but everyday is filled with happiness and laughter from my family. <3 Love them.


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