Happy Halloween from the Andersens!

We had a great day today. Happy Halloween everyone! Alan wore his frog prince costume, I wore my princess costume and Lon once again went in his Daddy costume like he did last year lol (the same clothes he wears everyday). Will find and post pictures of at least Alan and I when I can, they are classic! :) For now check out my FB page, there's a few there.

We spent our morning the usual Family Sunday way- snuggling in bed, eggs for breakfast, playing together as a family. But after Alan woke up from his afternoon nap, we got dressed in our costumes and started our Halloween trick or treating- Toddler style lol. We visited Alan's Great Grandpa Loiue and Great Grandma Marcia in the Valley Retirement Home, his Great Grandpa Floyd and Great Grandma Carol at their house, his Grandma and Grandpa Andersen at their house, Great Aunt Marnie and Great Uncle Doug where they lived (we went around their neighborhood a bit) and then we went around my parent's neighborhood with Aunt April, Uncle Kalvin and Grandpa Kevin. Alan had a lot of fun and he got a ton of candy (Yay for mom and dad lol!). We even saw two kids from daycare and one of Lon's friends!

Great Grandpa Louie was so happy to see us. He was in the middle of dinner when we stopped by, but we were still able to sit down with him and visit while he ate. Louie thought Alan and I's costumes were too cute for words, and he couldn't stop giving Alan kisses lol. :) Love my grandfather. <3 It was nice to catch Great Grandma Marcia there too. She was so glad to see how big Alan was and to have an in depth conversation with him. Overall, we all had a great time there.

Frog Prince and Princess

Afterward, we stopped at Lon's parent's house. Grandma and Grandpa were both there, as well as Aunt Ariel, Uncle Chase, Uncle Aaron and Aunt Nikki. Aunt Ariel was a gothic bride this year, or maybe she was a witch lol. I can't remember which one she was this year and which one she was last year, both costumes looked the same lol! :P But she looked absolutely precious! We didn't have time to go trick or treating with her, but Alan trick or treated every door in the house lol, trying to find Grandpa Steve! :D Too cute lol, I'll have to look and see if I got photos of that.

Continuing with our toddler trick or treating lol, we went to Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Kimmel's house. Alan got super shy over there, I dunno why he is always so shy with these grandparents only lol! But Great Grandma Carol eventually convinced him to come sit on her lap with help from a photo of Alan they had. :) He sat with her and she talked to him about his frog costume, but it only lasted for a few minutes. Then he was off again!! Trying to climb and slide down the stairs, trying to open cupboards, trying to pull things down lol, etc. Wild little man! I love him for his energy! They took tons of pictures of us in our costumes, gave him some toddler friendly candy (suckers and such) and lots of kisses. We had a good time there, even though we couldn't stay long. :)

On the way to my parent's house, we stopped by Alan's Great Aunt Marnie's house. She was glad to see us, as well as cousin Morgan. We went trick or treating a little around their neighborhood, and saw my boss with her two daughters. And one of the houses we trick or treated belonged to one of Lon's friends! So he invited us in to see the house, and have some candy. It was nice to see him, he's a decent friend of Lon's and I liked him too. We then went back to Great Aunt Marnie's to hang out for a bit. Great Aunt Marnie went out of her way and bought Alan "special treats" for Halloween- Reese Pieces cereal packets, Baby or Toddler trail mix she hand made, DumDum suckers and even fruit puffs! What a nice aunt of her, Alan was starving at that time lol. He chowed down on the Reeses Pieces packets and had some of the trail mix. Then we were back on the road to Grandma and Grandpa's house!

We went around the neighborhood at my parent's house too, with Aunt April and Uncle Kalvin and Granpa Kevin. Aunt April was a pirate and Uncle Kalvin was a transformer. By this time it was pretty dark outside, so we didn't stay out long. But the few houses we did go to loaded us up with candy! Yeah I love when people do that! We saw Aunt April's and Uncle Kalvin's neighborhood friends Seth, Riley and Kenzie. They joined us. But Alan was starting to get tired and cranky, so we had to head home.

All in all though, we had a wonderful day together as a family and we enjoyed seeing everyone that we did! Hope everyone else had a good Halloween night! :) Oh wow, just looked at the clock and its almost midnight, I'm gonna have a piece of Alan's candy and call it a night! :D


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