Working 9 to 5 every single day...

Well not quite lol, but I work like ALL the time these days. Which is the complete opposite yet oddly similar to what I was doing last year, when Alan was only a month old. I was a SAHM for his first year of life, and finally got a job just two days before his first birthday lol. I've now been working there for almost two months, and I love it. :) I get to work with kids, which is my passion, and Alan gets to interact with other children his age and older.  Its perfect!

For those of you who don't know where I work now, I work at the Billings YMCA. I teach an art class for young children, run their birthday party program, and work in there Child Watch drop-in daycare. This keeps me very busy as I am working three different programs while most employees there only work one. I am there in the mornings til noon, then I go in from 3 to 8, and I work Saturdays too. But I thrive best sometimes in busy schedules, so I think I'll do okay. Plus when I get tired of one program, I just wait for my next shift. :)

My art program is called Y Arts- Be Creative. It is a monthly art class for children ages 18 months to 6 years old. We have one 45 minute class each week of the month, and each month is themed something different. October's theme is obviously Halloween lol. :) My class days are as follows:

*Tuesdays 10:15 to 11 (3 and 4 year old class)
then another 11:15 to noon (Parent and toddler class)
*Wednesdays 11:15 to noon (3 and 4 year old class)
*Thursdays 10:15 to 11 (My multiples class- haven't had one yet but should be fun!)
*Saturdays 10 to 11 (Kindergarten class)

My birthday parties won't acutally start until January but this is what I understand I will be doing:

*Rock, Tumble and Roll parties for 2 to 8 year olds
*Pool parties for 6 to 12 year olds
*Rock Climbing parties for 8 to 12 year olds

And then of course there's Child Watch, which really isn't any different than being at home with Alan, only instead of it just being Alan its like 30 kids lol. But I love that I can work and have Alan there with me for three hours a day. It gets him out of the house and social with other children his age. And he's seeing tons of different kids each day! Oh he loves it there! He already has made a BFF, a little boy named Korbin. His mom also works there so the four of us have a great understanding too, if you would. The two boys are already comfortable with each other's moms, they will go to them for comfort if they are hurt or sad. :)

The only current downside to me getting a job is that the housework has been put on the back burner, just so much. It was a lot easier for me to keep the house clean when I was always home last year, but now with me gone a lot its become a lot harder. So we are starting to have little piles show up lol. Ugh! I know I will eventually get a pattern down, its just frustrating in the beginning. I just need to have faith in myself. :)


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