Happy birthday Uncle Darren!

Today is my oldest brother Darren's 23rd birthday.


Darren, you came into my family's life just 3 years ago but it feels like you have been my brother all my life. I love you to the moon and back. :)

You may only be just a few months older than me, but I definitely think you're the perfect big brother for me. :) You've always looked out for me, taken care of me a few times when I was sick, supported me when I was pregnant with Alan but too scared to tell Mom, and I know you'd do the same for my son or husband. <3

  Aunt Rachael and Uncle Darren at the wedding

You were Lon's Best Man in our wedding, and deservedly so, because you are a great friend to him too! I can't wait until you marry Rachael and we can celebrate your love for each other. You're a wonderful father to Connor and a fantastic fiance to Rachael. They're both lucky to have you. :) I guess what I'm trying to say with all of this rambling is thank you for everything you've done, we love you so much and happy birthday. :) Can't wait until we go out this weekend! Love you brother. <3


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