Sunny Sunday Musings

Today has been an awesome, sunny, beautiful, lazy Sunday for us. The three of us have yet to actually leave the house or talk to anyone (except for maybe online I guess) but we are so happy spending time alone together, away from all the drama. Here's some of what happened today:

Alan surprised us just before nap time lol. He was playing in the living room while Lon was working on his invention in Alan's room and I was doing some cleaning in our bedroom. When we are at home we usually just keep him in underwear/diaper or underwear/diaper and a shirt, but he has *yet* to learn to take them off. Well it got real quiet in the living room so I went in to investigate. And I came across a bare butt Alan running around giggling and slapping his boy parts. Lmao! :D It was seriously the funniest thing I have ever seen!

We quickly clothed his little butt and looked everywhere to see if he had had an accident, and he did not pee or poop ANYWHERE!! Go big boy! :D

This potty training thing is actually working out for us. When we are at home, Alan wears one of his cool Sesame Street underwear and we go potty every half hour or if Alan feels like he needs to. He is getting so good at letting us know, he always makes a funny face and says, "Potty?" Then we rush him to his Elmo potty and he goes most times! We hardly ever have accidents (none yesterday, only one on Friday) and I think he is about ready for going potty at Child Watch!

We also started opening up our wedding gifts today. Yes it has been three weeks yesterday but we don't have the room in this apartment for *most* of our gifts, but there was a few that we couldn't wait to open. :) We opened our coffee maker, our noodle cooker, my filing briefcase, and our blender. The noodle cooker works really nice, and we love how its microwavable! Made us some really yummmy mac and cheese for lunch! :) Lon is IN LOVE with the coffee maker, I think he's had at least ten cups today lmao! My filing briefcase works perfectly for holding all my student's art projects! And we haven't tried the blender, but hope to get some fruit soon for smoothies!! Thank you to everyone who celebrated with us, and thanks for all the gifts!

I was shopping for Alan's BFF Korbin online while Alan was napping this afternoon. Later this month is Korbin's 2nd birthday and we are all very excited for his party. Alan loves Korbin like a brother, so I wanted to get him something really special. I have a few ideas but I cannot decide. Here are a few of them:

I think a fun car toy like this would be fun for him...


Or an Elmo lego toy set... Alan loves his.


Or sidewalk chalk. I know this one says 4+ but I know these giant chalks work really well with toddlers, under supervision of course. :)


We are about to head over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a barbeque. Can't wait to spend the rest of my day outside with my loved ones! I will update later with how our time went.

See you tomorrow for Motivational and Meet Me on Monday blog hops! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Peace!


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