Happy Mother's Day!

I am so full of love this morning! Happy Mother's Day to everyone!

To my mother:

I have so much more of an appreciation for you and for Mother's Day, now that I am a mother. I always knew you were a great mother, but having Alan makes me realize how special motherhood really is. I love you so very much, to the moon and back. <3 You birthed me, nursed me, raised me, taught me almost everything I know about motherhood and so much more in my lifetime. You truly are an amazing mother. I hope that one day in Alan's adult life, he will feel the amount of love and appreciation for me as I feel for you. Thank you for everything you have done for me, given to me and sacarficed for me, as well as many other things. :)

I cannot wait to spend my day with Lon and Alan! They will not tell me what they have planned for us, but I wouldn't mind just spending my whole day at home with them. All I need for Mother's Day is my husband, my son and my mother. <3 Motherhood is a gift in itself, in my eyes. I was blessed with a wonderful blessing the day my son was born. A gift of learning, of joy, of fear, of growth, of so many other beautiful things. :) So a hand drawn card and two kisses from my boys is all I will ever need, and ever want, for Mother's Day.

I wish all of you mothers, daughters and sons a happy Mother's Day. Its really about all of us, not just mom. :) This holiday is about giving thanks to the one woman who raised you and sharing memories with her, don't buy into the "Only a Hallmark made holiday" BS, please! Remember this day isn't about cards or flowers, its about the bond you have with your mom! Love her and give love to all mamas around! We work very hard EVERYDAY for our kids because we love them. <3


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