Meet Me on Monday!! May 23, 2011

Yesterday was a great day for us. We spent the day hanging out together as a family and then went over to my parent's house for dinner. We decided to not go anywhere in the car yesterday, so we walked to and from Grandma's house. For dinner there, we had fajitas. Yum! They were so good and even Alan ate some! :) Good day altogether.

This week I work my usual 40 hours and then Saturday is a childhood friend's baby shower and Sunday is Kari's graduation party. I'm not too excited for the work week, but can't wait for the weekend lol! After co-sleeping with us last night (which resulted in me getting zero sleep), this morning Alan woke up the earliest he has ever woken up: at 6:30 AM! But today is payday for me, which means its really everyone else's payday and not mine lol because all of my money is already being sent off. Blah gotta love adult hood. :P

For now though, here's Meet Me on Monday!!

What is your favorite bagel flavor?
Lol we had bagels for lunch yesterday. :) I really like the cheddar flavored bagels and the seven grain bagels for lunch, but for breakfast I like blueberry bagels.

If you had an extra $100 right now, what would you spend it on?
Do you really want to know?? It won't be a fun answer, its an adult answer. :)

Really???? Okay.

I would spend the extra $100 on bills. Most likely medicine or therapy bills. Blah no fun! :)

What is the last thing that you felt guilty about doing?
Not brushing Alan's teeth yesterday. He normally gets them brushed before nap time and at bedtime, and yesterday we all just passed out in our bed for nap time. So no teeth brushed. :\ Then we got home late from Grandma and Grandpa's house last night and in the rush of getting him to bed before eleven lol, we forgot again to brush them. :(

Soft serve ice cream or hand dipped?
I definitely like soft serve ice cream best. Hand dipped is okay, but soft serve ice cream is soooooooooooooooooo good. :D

Are you allergic to anything?
Just pet dandruff, which unfortunately means that when we do get Alan his puppy, he will be an outside dog. :(


  1. Hey there! Came over here from MMOM. I'm your newest follower!

    Don't feel too bad about not brushing his teeth. Luckily they're still baby teeth and will fall out anyways. At least that's what I told myself when I skipped brushing my daughter's and she turned out just fine! ;o)

    We are an outside pet family too. Their fur and dander drives my allergies crazy!

    xoxo, Sarah Kate


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