Month in Review: April 2012

We had a somewhat busy month in April, with all the birthdays and anniversaries and the outdoor events. All in all, it was a good month for us. Here are some things that happened to us this month:

The month started out with us celebrating two good school friends of Alan's birthdays. Easton and Treyton, the two brothers, invited us to their fun birthday party at Kid's Klubhouse. We had a blast! Then we celebrated Aunt April's thirteenth birthday with sunset baseball and an ice cream cake. That Sunday was also Easter, so Alan and I went on several Easter egg hunts and then spent the day with our family and loved ones. April 23 was also Lon and I's one year wedding anniversary. I can't believe its already been a whole year! Then we finished off the month celebrating Earth Day with my family and Arbor Day with a Tree Scavenger Hunt. What a month full of holidays and birthdays!

We were kinda busy this month with all the things we had to do. I participated in the One Day Without Shoes event and was barefoot all day (not too different from any other day). I finally got to have my Traveling Red Dress Moment, all thanks to Aunt Natalie and her great boyfriend Jake. For our anniversary date, Lon and I went out to support my cousins in their roller derby bout. That is some pretty cool stuff! :) I also restarted my adventure in potty training Alan, in hopes that he will be mostly out of diapers by the time Anna comes and in underwear completely by his third birthday. So far it has been hit and miss, but we are still trying! After much whining and struggle lol, we finally got the boys to get their summer haircuts! Now I just need one lol!

I wrote about quite a few different things this month but I still feel like last month I wrote about way more lol. I wrote on how Lon and I deal with sickness in our household and about how I apparently baby anyone sick lol. :P Then I discussed Alan's involvement in sports as a toddler and about our future plans for him to be in organized sports. After finding a new owner for the Traveling Red Dress, I shared her amazing story with all of you. I can't wait to see her photos! Then I wrote about our love for the University of Montana Grizzlies and our slight confusion on how everyone else is completely nut-zo obsessed with them lol. I mean we like them, but don't base our life off of them lol. Silly people! :P And after watching a great documentary on PBS for Earth Day, I explored how nature effects childhood development so positively. Then I complained about not teaching my art classes anymore and how I coped with it by doing many art projects with Alan at home. Maybe not as many things as last month, but still quite a few lol! :D

Moving my way into my third trimester of this pregnancy, I continued to write my Pregnancy Posts. In April, I went through my 25th, 26th, 27th, and 28th week of pregnancy. I also had my Gestational Diabetes test this month and am very proud to say that I do not have GD! Yay! I also revisited my struggles with breastfeeding Alan as a baby and my wishes to breastfeed Anna. Only two more months left til she comes now!

We had a great month and can't wait to see what May brings us! Tune in to find out!


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