Happy 24th Birthday Uncle Darren!!

Today is my oldest brother Darren's 24th birthday.

Darren loves poker, so this cake would have been perfect for him lol!

Darren is my adopted brother, but I love him just the same! He joined our family in 2008 but honestly, I feel like he's been a Kimmel all of his life! :) I haven't seen him in over a year now and I miss him! He is the father to my only nephew Connor, the cutest nephew on the planet! I think he is an awesome father and Connor is pretty darn lucky!

Connor and Darren, circa 2010

Not only is Darren my brother, but he is also Lon's really good friend. Darren was Lon's best man in our wedding and they have been best buds for about two years now. Its a little weird to have my brother be my husband's best friend, but I am not complaining! I love them both and love to spend time with them!

The men of the wedding party, with Darren included :)

Happy birthday Darren! Lon, Alan, Anna and I love you so much. Hope your day is fantastic like you are! Can't wait to see you and Connor again soon!


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