Just a Quick Update...

Been really busy the past few days preparing for the baby shower on Sunday, so I don't have much to post. Sorry! It has been rainy the past two days as well, so Alan and I haven't done too much of anything. Tonight, my sister Natalie got into town for my shower. Yay! :D Alan and I have missed her a lot!

I want to thank everyone who reads my blog, as of yesterday I am at 24,000 page views. Yes! Thanks for reading, you guys are what keeps this blog alive and thriving! :D I also did my 300th post the other day, wow two blog milestones in one week! Awesome man!

Pretty much the only other thing that has happened is that yesterday we received a letter from Alan's beloved pediatrician, stating that she was taking the next three years off to study endocrinology and would not be able to be our pediatrician anymore. I am now really upset and stressed because I have to find Alan and Anna a new pediatrician before the end of June. And I feel like we got so lucky finding that pediatrician, I am worried we won't be that lucky this time around. So now I have to start researching pediatricians and then move to the interviewing process, something I would have already liked to have done at this point. *Sighs* Oh well, if its to further her education, I can only be happy for her.

Just wanted to drop in and also say there will be no Five Question Friday this week. Mama M said something creepy kept them up late last night, but she will post about it later tonight or tomorrow. To read more about it, go here.

Hope everyone has a great weekend, I know we will. :) I can't wait for my baby shower! Tune in on Monday to see how it went!


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