My Baby Shower Through Pictures

I have been very sick the past few days and its been hard for me to get out of bed to care for my rambunctious toddler, let alone sit at the computer to write a whole blog post. So I am sorry to say, but don't expect too much from me these past few weeks. I will make a point to at least post my weekly Pregnancy Posts but other than that, I can't gaurentee too much. :( However, I will do my best to maybe write a journal from bed that I can back log into posts on here. :)

But for now, here is my picture filled post about Sunday's baby shower! :D

Sunday was thankfully a beautiful and sunny day for us. We set up the majority of the party for outside, with the last two games set up for inside. Guests started arriving at noon and we hung out waiting for lunch to be ready. After a delicious barbecued lunch courtesy of my wonderful father and mother, we started playing the first two games.

April, Jenelle and I explaining the Belly Game

Alan chilling with his Aunt Ariel

For those of you that don't know what the Belly Game is, I will explain. Everyone gets to guess how big my belly has gotten by measuring out ribbon and whoever is the closest wins. It was a really close game but my friend Kelsie ended up winning! Her ribbon almost fit me exactly, it was like she had already measured me lol! After the Belly Game, we passed around a baby bottle full of M&M's for the Guess How Many Game. Everyone guessed and though my cousin Blake really wanted to win, my other cousin Julie ended up winning with the closest number. But everyone was at least 20 M&M's off lol! Even Julie! :P There were 197 total and Julie's guess was 162. Then it was time to come inside and cool off while I opened my presents. And did we get spoiled! Here are some shots from the gift opening!

I love that Alan was so involved in helping open his sister's presents!

Look at the blankets Aunt Nikki made the kids!

Uncle Chase got us a Moby Wrap!!! :D

I am soooooo excited for tutus!

My two beautiful diaper cakes! Thanks Mary and Korrine!
Once I had made it through the jungle of adorable little girl presents, we started to play our Baby Food Game. Once again for those of you who may not know, the Baby Food Game is where baby food is passed around and you can use all of your senses (yes, that means taste it if you want to) to guess what type of food it is. We had some weird picks, from Raspberry with Oats to Sweet Cream Corn. My cousin's girlfriend Maddie ended up winning that one, getting two out of the four right.

Blake and his adorable girlfriend Maddie

Our last game was the Birth Certificate Game. Now for this game, the winner won't be determined until Anna arrives. I had everyone basically write out her birth certificate with their guesses, including things like her birth date, birth weight and height, and eye color. It was cool to look and see what everyone thought and I think its hilarious that no one thought she was going to come early or anywhere near her due date lol. I had one that said she would be born July 25th... If I go eight days overdue, I might lose it lol. :P

We finished up our little party with cake and ice cream. I was a procrastinator and didn't order Anna's cake right away so because of that and all the graduation parties that were happening that weekend, we had to improvise with our cake. Improvise meaning Anna's cake says "Happy Birthday Anna" lol. But it was a cute cake and it was so yummy, so no one was complaining lol!

We also had everyone sign a shirt and a onesie for Alan and Anna to wear for their first meeting. Alan's says "Best Big Brother... Ever!" and Anna's says "Our Special Little Girl". They turned out so cute too! I love them and can't wait for my kiddos to wear them! :D

I feel so blessed by everyone who came, they completely spoiled Anna! After sorting through all the presents (and that's not even counting the diaper cakes, I haven't touched them yet lol) Anna made it out like a bandit! She got her bassinet, her swing, her Moby Wrap, her Boppy pillow, her Tummy Time Center, 12 receiving blankets, 5 fuzzy blankets, 4 towels and 4 washcloths, 4 burp cloths, 9 bottles for when I have to go back to work, all of her bathing soaps she needs, diapers, an adorable pair of sandals and don't forget the endless amounts of clothes from NB to 18 months! And I am still getting texts from people telling me that they have my gift for me lol. Oh my! :D Thank you so much everyone! We are so grateful for all of you!

All of the clothing stuff she got!


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