The Ballet, Gymnastics, and Other Wildness

I was going to post this yesterday but I figured that a post about Anna's current health condition was a little more important. :) She is doing quite a bit better now that she has been taking meds for a few days now. But let me tell you about the frustration I have for these things...

At first, I did not realize there was a difference between bulb syringe and a nasal aspirator, now I realize how wrong I was lol. I bought a nasal aspirator for Anna, when I actually wanted a bulb syringe. Ugh! But we got Anna some baby saline solution that has worked AWESOME for us. Score!

Tuesday night, my sister treated my mom and I to Swan Lake at the Alberta Bair Theatre. The Russian Ballet Company performed it and let me tell you, it was quite phenomenal. I just loved it! The RBC usually performs with SCB every winter in the Nutcracker, they are a wonderful group of dancers. Swan Lake is like one of my favorite ballets too. It was a great treat, thanks Aunt April! I even got a picture with the Evil King, he was one of my favorites lol. Aunt April made fun of me for it the rest of the night, but at least I got a picture. :) My mom totally cut April out of the picture though lol, oops!

Aunt April posing with her pop can lol, classy. :P
Seeing the ballet got me thinking: What if I applied ballet influences to my hip hop classes to help them learn?

Now you are probably are scratching your head trying to figure out how I will incorporate BALLET into HIP HOP, well stop fretting and just let me tell you lol! For those of you who are dancers, or those of you who pay alot of attention to dance, you will know that in ballet the dance movements are based off of variations. For example: You will do 3-4 steps over and over, in several variations, to make a dance. Wow, I really cannot seem to explain that right. Does that make sense? So if I apply that to hip hop, not only will it get them to remember the individual dance moves but it will help them remember the order of the steps in the dance. I hope to try this Monday!

Yesterday was Alan's gymnastics showcase. I was able to get time off of work and see the whole thing. One happy mama here! :) He did so good! He was very excited to show us his tricks, that he would barely sit still lol. But he still did very well. I filmed it on my iPod so that Lon could also see it and it could go in our home movie archives too. I spent almost all day today working on it but wouldn't you know, I left my computer at home when I came to my parent's house. Darn! So I will do my best to post it tomorrow or Monday. It is the cutest little video ever! I am pretty proud of my video editing skills too yo! Lol, I cannot wait to post it now.

Tomorrow we have Alan's screening for public schooling and preschool. I am a little apprehensive to how it will all go, but I am confident that he will do his best. I have to bring Anna with me though, hope she will not be too much of a distraction lol!

We were supposed to meet up with Alan's friends Teagan and Harper with their mom this morning, but we were too late. :/ We missed Teagan's birthday party last Saturday due to work, so I was really hoping to see them. However, we completely missed them or they forgot lol... I am hoping for the latter really. I feel so bad! I still let Alan play for an hour there though and while we played, a little girl brought in her Polaroid camera and started taking pictures. I had forgotten how much I had wanted a Polaroid camera. They are very portable and produce pictures right away, which I just love. I have never minded the quality of the pictures, I just love the look of them! Maybe I will not get a digital camera with our tax return, and instead get a Polaroid. Or even better! I can get a digital camera  AND get my Polaroid. Thrifting!!!!!!!! :D

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