What I'm Loving Wednesday! February 6, 2013

Happy Hump Day everyone! I hope it was well. Mine was decent enough, I'd have to say. Sitting here with my pop for the day lol, both children sound asleep and the husband at work. I would have to say that is a pretty good end to my day. Only wish Lon was here with me but he will be home from work in a few short hours.

I honestly almost forgot to do this post today! Oops! Here is this week's What I'm Loving Wednesday! Enjoy!

I'm loving... that I do not have to work tomorrow. I know that sounds bad lol, but my house is one big toy pile right now and clutter kills my thought processes. How OCD does that sound lol? I NEED TO CLEAN TOMORROW!!!!!

I'm loving... that after speaking with my dance students tonight in class, I have a total concept and song idea for our dance showcase in May. They are going to be robots! I will give no more clues away lol! BUT I AM STILL SOOOOOO EXCITED FOR IT!!!!!!

I'm loving... Justin Timberlake's new song "Suit and Tie." I have always kind of been a fan of Justin Timberlake, I have not bought a cd of his since his NSYNC days but I do enjoy all of his singles. He always finds the perfect beats to get my dance choreographer brian going crazy lol. Like this song!

I'm loving... that tomorrow Anna will be seven months old! Only five more months now until here birthday, is it bad to say that I already have her first birthday theme planned out lol????? C'mon guys, ITS MY FIRST GIRL!!!!

I'm loving... that tomorrow is also the start of CHD Awareness Week (Febrauary 7th-14th)! I will not be doing much for this week this year, but I will be linking you to CHD parents that ARE planning on posting something special. It will be in addition to my regular posts, so be sure to check it out!

I'm loving... that the mud in our yard has finally died up mostly. We had a full on mud pit for the past few days and that made outside time not very fun for Mama lol. Alan loved it though! Tomorrow, I predict that it will be all gone and we can even bust out the bikes and the wagon again! Yay for spring!

I'm loving... these awesome Pinterest finds today!

14 Lego Valentine's for Lon... One big cousin picture for the grandparents, love how they are numbered and seperated by family... A New Year's Eve balloon filled with confetti and balloons, pop it at midnight.... Adventure Time crocheted buddies, Alan and Lon would both just love these... Bracelets made out of ties, LOVE!!

What are you loving today? Happy Wednesday!

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