What I'm Loving Wednesday! February 13, 2012

I have a lot to love today, with Valentine's Day right around the corner. Tomorrow, the kids and I have a ton of fun planned lol! Yay!

I'm loving... that tomorrow is Valentine's Day and we have Alan's little party at Off the Leaf! We totally cannot wait, I have so much planned!

I'm loving... all the cool Valentine's Day ideas I got from Pinterest! Yay, what did I ever do without Pinterest before. I have made my family's Valentine's Day very special and I spent almost nothing! Yes!

I'm loving... that next week is Alan's gymnastics showcase! Lon and I will both be there, snapping pictures like the next gymnastics mom and dad lol! But I will be fair and not full of drama! :P I cannot wait to see his skills, he has already shown me some of the stuff he knows. I cannot believe how smart the kid is!

I'm loving... these Pinterest finds from today!

Idea for the kids' graduation invitations, love this one so much! Will have to remember it! Monster rocks, great craft idea for Alan and his buddies. And we have SO MANY ROCKS too lol! Superhero costume tutorials, a must save for Alan and probably Anna in the future. :) Photo inspiration for Anna's nine month photo shoot in April. Another reason why Aunt Jill will be the best Natalie! :D

I'm loving... all the exciting things that will be happening for my family next week! My friend Kelsie will be having her baby next week and a few days after that, Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake will find out what they are having! So very VERY excited!

What are you loving today???

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