Month in Review: January 2013
The New Year started out right! Due to us not having our own internet access at home, I did not post too much this month. But I did my best. And we had a few parties and a birthday, even a pregnancy announcement from my sister! What a great month we have had! Let me share with you what happened to us in January. This time I will add in some pictures too! I think a Month in Review post needs some pictures too, what do you think? Let me know if you like it! Enjoy everyone!
We celebrated the New Year by having a little playdate party at the local coffee shop with all of Alan and Anna's friends. Alan was still sick from Influenza A so he was not able to enjoy it as much but all the other kids had a wonderful time. The next day was Uncle Chase's birthday, so Alan and I made him a cool birthday card and then we had him over for light drinks and a movie later that evening. Anna also turned six months old, I just cannot believe how old she is now! Only six more months until she is one year old! Oh my!
Both kids caught Influenza A this month, Alan was sick for probably ten days straight. It was the first time he was really sick, like more than a few days. Needless to say, it was very hard on the whole family. We are glad to be healthy again! Once the kids were feeling better, Aunt Natalie dropped by for a little visit. We all went to Chuck E Cheese and the Reef with the kids. It was a lot of fun! Alan started gymnastics too, which he just loves! He can already do a forward roll, bridge and snail move! His little "showcase" is next month and I cannot wait to see his improvement! Then we had a bad luck streak for like a whole week, where my cell phone broke and the Village Inn was crashed into. But we stayed positive. I supported my old drama theatre, Venture Theatre, by going to the Fringe Festival downtown with my mother two weekends in January. Aunt April performed both times and it was fantastic! We had company over for dinner and I totally messed up the meal lol! Oh that was totally not embarrassing lol! No way!!! And we shared the biggest news of this year: Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake are going to have A BABY!!!!!!!
I wrote about a few things this month. I would have written more but my phone died and we have no internet here. Ugh, such is life. I did get a chance to take Anna's six month photos before my phone died though. Made me a very happy mama! I believe that they turned out beautifully too! I also finally finished my pregnancy with Anna through photos and posted it. Looks like a lot of belly pictures lol! After going to the Fring Festival, I wrote about what inspires me on a daily basis. Let me tell you, some of the things are odd lol... Like the towel folds? Yeah... Read the post lol! We got a new email address, just for this blog! I wrote about how much I am actually enjoying being without a phone. It has made quite the noticeable change in me! I like it, and so does my family! :) I also did a post about the Pinterest photos I found one week. I quite enjoyed that one, I think I might make that a regular thing. Maybe every Wednesday? I finished out the month with a post about Anna and more breastfeeding challenges. Lol, never a dull moment with that one. :) Oh well, I have called breastfeeding my part time job before, it might as well have complications like one. Despite all the many challenges, it is STILL worth it!
We had our ups and downs this month, but it was definitely a good start to the year. I hope that Febrauary brings us more snow, belly pictures from Aunt Natalie, hopefully a new house for us to move into, our TAX RETURN lol, a Valentine's Day party, a new cell phone for me, a visit from Uncle Jake and Aunt Natalie, Anna's seven month birth anniversary, and much much more! How was your first month of 2013? Was it everything you wanted?
They just reset Top Baby Blogs again, so I ask you all to vote for Free Range Family! We dropped down like thirty numbers to Number 169, I know that a lot of readers have been voting for us! Thank you! We would love to get back to the 150 we were at before, or maybe even lower! It will only take a few clicks and a few seconds! No time at all but it would mean the world to us. I know that all my readers will vote for us lol, you are all so great! Okay I will stop with all the cheesiness lol, I hope that everyone has a fantastic day and a wonderful weekend with your loved ones! See you Monday!

We celebrated the New Year by having a little playdate party at the local coffee shop with all of Alan and Anna's friends. Alan was still sick from Influenza A so he was not able to enjoy it as much but all the other kids had a wonderful time. The next day was Uncle Chase's birthday, so Alan and I made him a cool birthday card and then we had him over for light drinks and a movie later that evening. Anna also turned six months old, I just cannot believe how old she is now! Only six more months until she is one year old! Oh my!
Both kids caught Influenza A this month, Alan was sick for probably ten days straight. It was the first time he was really sick, like more than a few days. Needless to say, it was very hard on the whole family. We are glad to be healthy again! Once the kids were feeling better, Aunt Natalie dropped by for a little visit. We all went to Chuck E Cheese and the Reef with the kids. It was a lot of fun! Alan started gymnastics too, which he just loves! He can already do a forward roll, bridge and snail move! His little "showcase" is next month and I cannot wait to see his improvement! Then we had a bad luck streak for like a whole week, where my cell phone broke and the Village Inn was crashed into. But we stayed positive. I supported my old drama theatre, Venture Theatre, by going to the Fringe Festival downtown with my mother two weekends in January. Aunt April performed both times and it was fantastic! We had company over for dinner and I totally messed up the meal lol! Oh that was totally not embarrassing lol! No way!!! And we shared the biggest news of this year: Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake are going to have A BABY!!!!!!!
I wrote about a few things this month. I would have written more but my phone died and we have no internet here. Ugh, such is life. I did get a chance to take Anna's six month photos before my phone died though. Made me a very happy mama! I believe that they turned out beautifully too! I also finally finished my pregnancy with Anna through photos and posted it. Looks like a lot of belly pictures lol! After going to the Fring Festival, I wrote about what inspires me on a daily basis. Let me tell you, some of the things are odd lol... Like the towel folds? Yeah... Read the post lol! We got a new email address, just for this blog! I wrote about how much I am actually enjoying being without a phone. It has made quite the noticeable change in me! I like it, and so does my family! :) I also did a post about the Pinterest photos I found one week. I quite enjoyed that one, I think I might make that a regular thing. Maybe every Wednesday? I finished out the month with a post about Anna and more breastfeeding challenges. Lol, never a dull moment with that one. :) Oh well, I have called breastfeeding my part time job before, it might as well have complications like one. Despite all the many challenges, it is STILL worth it!
We had our ups and downs this month, but it was definitely a good start to the year. I hope that Febrauary brings us more snow, belly pictures from Aunt Natalie, hopefully a new house for us to move into, our TAX RETURN lol, a Valentine's Day party, a new cell phone for me, a visit from Uncle Jake and Aunt Natalie, Anna's seven month birth anniversary, and much much more! How was your first month of 2013? Was it everything you wanted?
They just reset Top Baby Blogs again, so I ask you all to vote for Free Range Family! We dropped down like thirty numbers to Number 169, I know that a lot of readers have been voting for us! Thank you! We would love to get back to the 150 we were at before, or maybe even lower! It will only take a few clicks and a few seconds! No time at all but it would mean the world to us. I know that all my readers will vote for us lol, you are all so great! Okay I will stop with all the cheesiness lol, I hope that everyone has a fantastic day and a wonderful weekend with your loved ones! See you Monday!
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