Happy Father's Day!

I will keep this all short and sweet, and then update you all on our lovely family. We have had some more obstacles thrown our way, but we are maneuvering them and will overcome them. We are strong as a family and have an even stronger support system. I apologize for all the secrecy, I will tell you when I can. Just know for now that we are all healthy and safe, just struggling with financial woes and other things. Pray for us and send us good loving vibes! We love you all!

Happy Father's Day!

To my father, I love you very much. You are a wonderful father and have taught me so much. You taught me how to fish and ride a bike, how to drive pretty much anything (except for stick shift, that's still a work in progress lol), and have always been there for me. You set an example of good, strong work ethic that will always stay with me. And you loved me for me. :) Good job on raising those other kids too, you did pretty okay with them as well. :P And you are the greatest grandfather to Alan and Anna. They both adore you! Love you Dad, hope your day was fantastic!

To my husband, you are such an amazing father to our children, they are so lucky to have you! You have given everything for your family and work so hard everyday for us. The kids love you so much too. That Alan wants to be just like you, its so cute how he is your little copycat. He has a great man to follow. :) Miss Anna loves your tender soul, how your are so strong but can be so sweet and gentle when need be. I love that she brings out the soft side in you. Happy Father's Day Lon! You are the best dad Alan and Anna could ever have! Hope we made you day a good one.

To my father-in-law, thank you for helping raise my husband and for being one of his main support system. No matter what, you are always there for him, for us. We love you for that. You are also one of the best grandfathers out there! Alan and Anna love to come visit you and those puppies! Its never a dull moment with Grandpa Steve!

To my brother-in-law, happy first Father's Day. You have yet to meet Baby B yet, but trust me, you were a father the moment you both knew about him. I know that you will be a great father because I have seen you care for my sister and I have seen you interact with my children. You are a loving, kind soul and Baby B will be very lucky to call you Dad. Have a great first Father's Day Uncle Jake! We love you!

To all the super dads I know, keep it up! Being a father is not an easy job, I know this, I have seen how exhausting it can be for many fathers including my own and my husband. Whether you are doing it alone or with help, you guys are awesome for doing what you do and being there for your children! Congratulations and good job! Happy Father's Day! Enjoy this day, you deserve it!

To all the fantastic single moms that I know and love, happy second Mother's Day! I have had a handful of my single mama friends being down today, but I want you all to know how truly awesome you all are! Parenting a child solo is one of the most challenging things a person can do and you all rock at it! I mean, you could write the book on it! Hope you are also enjoying your day today! We love you!

Like I mentioned above, we have had some personal issues spring upon us recently but we are managing. As for everything else, life has been good for the most part. I am teaching my summer hip hop classes and helping with the summer gymnastics classes. Alan is officially potty trained in the day time, we are so proud of him! He is ready for preschool now! And he finally got his glasses back, although I am taking bets on how long they will last. These ones are already looking like they are about done. :/ Boys! Anna is almost one year old, yet has lost all interest in trying to stand and walk lol. We aren't worried about it though, it took her some time to crawl and now she's speedy!


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