Month in Review: May 2013
Happy June everyone! It officially is only a month away until Miss Anna's first birthday and I am frankly in denial some. But not as much as I am about my own upcoming birthday, I didn't even realize it was about two months away now! Wow, time really does go by too fast!! Happy Summer everyone! Here is May's Month in Review. Enjoy! I didn't post too much this month, we were quite busy with family!
We started out the month of May like we always do, with Uncle Kalvin and Aunt Natalie's birthdays. We celebrated Uncle Kalvin's birthday at the local bowling alley and had a Disco Bowling Party! It was a blast, even though Alan did not fully understand the concept of bowling lol, maybe in a few more years it will be more interesting for him. :) On Aunt Natalie's birthday, we had Baby B's baby shower and her birthday barbeque! She loved it and we all had so much fun! Anna also turned ten months old this month, started crawling and pulling herself up to standing! Big girl! I was spoiled this Mother's Day by my sweet family. Alan made me a card and I had a spa date with my toes! Thanks guys! As for our Memorial Weekend, we spent it with Great Grandma Marcia, Great Grandpa Louie and Aunt Ariel. We had a great Memorial Weekend!
I sprained my ankle and messed it up pretty bad, just a few days before my student's showcase. Just my luck lol! I am still getting used to it, ugh the life of dance teacher. However, my dance showcase went smoothly and I am one proud teacher! Good job girls! Alan then had his Spring Gymnastics Showcase the following week. He also did fantastic and listened even better than last time! The gymnastics tricks he has learned are getting harder and harder! Big boy! Alan was sedated for the first time and had several fillings done. He was so brave! We finished up the month celebrating all of our friends and family's school accomplishments and graduations. Congratulations everyone!
I only wrote about two things this month, I know, such a slacker lol! I finally shared with you readers my belief in reincarnation as it pertains to Taoist Buddhism. It took me some time to be brave enough to do that, and I am glad now that I did! I also wrote about Alan's Boredom Box and how it has done wonders for my son's behavior and attitude during the day! He is no longer bored and grumpy!
Top Baby Blogs has reset their blog list, so if you could take a few moments to click on this link and vote for my blog. I don't think I have even made it onto the list yet lol, oops! Thanks great readers! You're the best!

We started out the month of May like we always do, with Uncle Kalvin and Aunt Natalie's birthdays. We celebrated Uncle Kalvin's birthday at the local bowling alley and had a Disco Bowling Party! It was a blast, even though Alan did not fully understand the concept of bowling lol, maybe in a few more years it will be more interesting for him. :) On Aunt Natalie's birthday, we had Baby B's baby shower and her birthday barbeque! She loved it and we all had so much fun! Anna also turned ten months old this month, started crawling and pulling herself up to standing! Big girl! I was spoiled this Mother's Day by my sweet family. Alan made me a card and I had a spa date with my toes! Thanks guys! As for our Memorial Weekend, we spent it with Great Grandma Marcia, Great Grandpa Louie and Aunt Ariel. We had a great Memorial Weekend!
I sprained my ankle and messed it up pretty bad, just a few days before my student's showcase. Just my luck lol! I am still getting used to it, ugh the life of dance teacher. However, my dance showcase went smoothly and I am one proud teacher! Good job girls! Alan then had his Spring Gymnastics Showcase the following week. He also did fantastic and listened even better than last time! The gymnastics tricks he has learned are getting harder and harder! Big boy! Alan was sedated for the first time and had several fillings done. He was so brave! We finished up the month celebrating all of our friends and family's school accomplishments and graduations. Congratulations everyone!
I only wrote about two things this month, I know, such a slacker lol! I finally shared with you readers my belief in reincarnation as it pertains to Taoist Buddhism. It took me some time to be brave enough to do that, and I am glad now that I did! I also wrote about Alan's Boredom Box and how it has done wonders for my son's behavior and attitude during the day! He is no longer bored and grumpy!
Top Baby Blogs has reset their blog list, so if you could take a few moments to click on this link and vote for my blog. I don't think I have even made it onto the list yet lol, oops! Thanks great readers! You're the best!
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