The WaterPark, Rims and Airport...

All in one weekend lol! How wild of my family lol! :P Not really, we have had way more busy weekends than this!

I have been working a gymnastics camp all week in the mornings. It was quite a bit of fun, we had seven great kids who learned a lot in the four days we had! I am so proud of them! I also did my first Dance Out Reach program at our local HeadStart School. I worked with 16 preschoolers and taught them basic popping and locking moves. We had a wonderful time as well! I love getting a chance to teach my two passions! :D Next week will be a lot slower for us because I will only have dance class and my regular shifts.

Saturday, we walked to Terry Park to meet up with my friends Kelsie and Jessica. We met up with them and a few new friends for a picnic and to let the kiddos play in the spraypark and on the playground. Alan ate as fast as he could and then ran off to play in the water with Kelton and Carly. Anna crawled around in the grass and played with Trent and Karter, then she played some with Miss Carly too. I think they will be great buds in the future. :)

I also enjoyed getting to see my friends and their kids. We have been too busy to spend time with them lately! We missed them quite a lot! The weather went from really nice to windy real fast so we had to have Lon meet us halfway home. Other than that though, it was a great day!

Yesterday, we picked up Aunt Ariel to go exploring on the Rims with us. Anna stayed at home with Lon, so that Alan and I could have some good one-on-one time together. We were up there for two whole hours and wore Alan out completely! We found a mudpit with fresh mud (surprisingly in this heat), found several different types of cactii and found a flower in every color of the rainbow but blue! We also learned some history about our Rims, they were formed because of a vast lake that spread across most of Montana in the prehistoric ages. Very cool!

Then it was time to pick up Grandma Melanie and Aunt April at the airport. If you remember, they have spent the last two weeks in Boise training with a local dance workshop called DanceFest. Aunt April had a wonderful time and learned lots! She also made a bunch of great dance friends! I am so happy they both had a good trip! We sure missed them!


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