Sunny Days are (Hopefully) Here to Stay!

Dare I say it? Dare I say that spring is here? I am afraid that if I post it on here, tomorrow morning we may wake up to snow! Montana weather is just wild like that in March lol! Hopefully now that its almost April, we will finally be done with all the darn winter weather! Because even though I was raised a snow bunny, I am ready for spring and summer to be here! Today was gorgeous out! It was a chilly 32 degrees outside but the sun was out and shining! It felt wonderful compared to the awful cold days we have been having recently! I had to get the kids out in this amazing weather! So we left the front door open while we had lunch today, letting the nice fresh air and sun come in, then after lunch we went to the park to play until Lon was off of work! It was just fantastic! I couldn't decide if I wanted to go to Pioneer Park or Rose Park, so I asked Alan's opinion. He thought that Rose Park would be better and since it was in the area of where we were meeting up with Lon af...