Soccer and Dance Competitions this Weekend!

I have been neglecting the blog again. I'm sorry. :/ We have been turned down by several rentals lately, this is the reason for my lack of motivation. I feel like no one wants us. :( We decided to look into buyin a house, because renting is just throwing your money away. I will be applying for the First Time HomeBuyers Program this week. Hope that we are accepted! It would be so amazing to not only LIVE together again, but to OWN our own place! How cool! :) Anyways, this weekend was full of fun stuff for us! We had Alan's soccer practice and Aunt April's first in town dance competition of the season! There is now only one more practice until Alan starts having soccer games! And we were so darn excited to be able to go and cheer her on! She did wonderful, I am so proud of her!

Alan is really getting into soccer now. He always talks about it and cannot wait until he has class each week! He has been practicing a lot at home too, which is awesome. And the other night, he was kicking his shoes around after he had taken them off. I went reprimand him and he looked at me confused, explaining to me that he was only practicing kicking his shoe with the inside part of his foot. Like Coach Ashley and Coach Johnny had taught him. :) I thought that was the sweetest! I cannot wait to see how he does in the games! He was pretty good at basketball.

That Saturday was also our town's Saint Patrick's Day parade. I wasn't sure which one the kids would want to go to, surprisingly they chose daycare and soccer! I figured they would have wanted to go catch some candy but I was pleased that they had made a big kid decision. :)

Mommy and Alan before practice. Silly faces!

Standing in line to shoot goals

This week, the students learned how to shoot the ball and make a goal. Coach Ashley reminded everyone to kick with the inside part of their feet and they practiced shooting with the inside and the outside for a bit. Alan struggled with the outside but did pretty good kicking the correct way. And he rocks at shooting goals! He made almost every shot he took in the goal! My boy was made for offense! Yeah!

I seriously love this photo! The angle I took it and his expression make it one awesome picture!

We spent the majority of the weekend at Spotlight Dance Cup for Aunt April and Diversity Dance Studio. We were at the Metra most of Saturday night and all Sunday. I loved every minute of it, I totally miss my dance competition years! I competed for 6 years and loved it. I wish I could start a competition team at the YMCA! Maybe here in a few years lol. :) It was really cool seeing everyone. I have so many dance friends, from all different dance studios. I love competition time the most, its like the holidays for us when all the studios get together and enjoy each other's artistry.

Dance model status at the dance competition!

Mirror pictures with Mommy. Thanks DDS for letting us use your mirror to take a selfie! :P

The kids did so well at the competition too! Alan and Anna were so well behaved! Alan hung out and mostly played his LeapPad. He's not into dance anymore, he says lol. :) He did get to have nachos and a Gatorade, go for a walk with us around the Metra and he even made a new friend with another Dance Brother there! Pretty good couple of days for him! Miss Anna, of course, wanted to be onstage with every dance group, she can't wait to start dance herself! She kept running down the aisle and to the stairs, she even asked the stage managers "Up please?" so very sweetly. They about keeled over from the sheer cuteness! :) I love my little dance baby!

She was out cold before we even made it home!

Aunt April competed all of her dances, including her solo. It was the first time I had seen Theo's piece "Shake it Off" performed, I loved it! The costumes are gorgeous, the song is my favorite and the dance made me cry! Bravo Theo! I loved Kevin's piece "Darkhorse" and the Winter Song piece. She also was a part of Diversity's production piece this year, a Beatles LOVE themed piece. That was one of my favorites for sure! Of course, she killed her solo too! Its a masquerade themed ballet dance, so very cool! I think she did wonderfully the whole weekend! Great job Aunt April! You are such a beautiful dancer!

Shake it Off received an emerald (2nd place), Darkhorse received a diamond (1st place), Winter Song also was awarded a diamond, and her solo was given an emerald. Darkhorse also won ninth overall and Diversity as a whole won the award for receiving the most diamonds in the whole competition! We also overtook the whole Senior Dance Down. All four winners were from our studio! Another competition owned ladies! Congratulations and keep dancing those hearts out! You gals all ROCK!!

Drinking her juice box like a big girl!

Alan and I had to take a selfie together too!

We had a wonderful weekend full of soccer and dance! Two of our favorite things!! :) Next weekend is Kids Artistic Review, but Aunt April is only performing her solo. But I am looking for Thunderstruck at the end of the month! Yay for dance competition season!


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