First Soccer Practice!

Unfortunately, we were rejected again by the third company. Shoot! :/ We will find out about the other tomorrow or the next day. Darn, I really hope we get this one, but I'm not lying when I say that I am starting to lose hope. I wish we could just buy a house, but we can't do that now. We can't afford it. But it sucks when everyone wants an arm and a leg from you to just be accepted these days, its hard. How am I supposed to better myself as a renter when I am not even given the chance? Ugh its so frustrating! Oh well, one day it will get better. I have to continue to have hope for the situation!

However, I do have some good news for you all! As of tomorrow, I will be the new teacher for Tumble 1 and Tumble 2 at the YMCA! I subbed for them last week and my director was so impressed that he asked me to continue to teach the classes. Yay! I am so excited! I love teaching gymnastics, and now my whole week is full of teaching! Yay!

Alan had his first soccer practice this weekend. He was a little nervous about the whole thing at first, but warmed up to everything when he realized it was the same coaches as his basketball coaches. Then he was excited! He did a pretty decent job for his first practice too, was a good listener and tried his best with everything! I am quite proud of my little sportsman!

Alan before practice with a soccer ball

They practiced how to trap and pass the soccer ball. Alan partnered up with a little guy named Cole to practice. He had some issues with trapping the ball but after a while he got the hang of it. They also got their shirt sizes picked out. And we discussed preparations for the games next month. It was a great first practice!

Coach Johnny talking about trapping and passing the ball

Stretching at the end of practice

He will have soccer for the next two months and then I will have to set him up with two new sports for the summer since gymnastics will also be ending. He will most likely be in swim lessons again at the BGS, but I don't know what else to put him in. I don't think I can do T-ball on Saturdays with my work schedule. But I have to think of something!


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