Kari's Baby Shower

Some friends you have for your whole life, some friends you only have just recently met... Then there are the friends WHO you've only known for so long BUT it feels like you have known them forever. That's how Kari and I are...

I met Kari in the fall of 2010, when I had just started working at the YMCA Child Watch department. She was in high school then but we had so darn much in common, we hit it off right away. She reminded me of my little sister and we became close friends fast. She supported me through many rough times as a new mother and I helped her with high school drama and parental problems. We were so close, that when Lon proposed to me Valentine's Day 2011, I asked her to be one of my three bridesmaids. She of course said yes lol! :)

Fast forward to now, Kari is a grown woman who is now engaged and pregnant with her first child, a son that they are going to name Bryson! We are more like sisters then friends now, obviously. :) But I am just so excited and happy for her! Being a wife and a mother are two of the best things that a woman can ever be in her life! It will be a new and long journey, but I just know that she will be an amazing mother!! Love you Kari!

Her baby shower was yesterday, hosted by her mother and her friend. The kids went with me, so I was very grateful that her two little brothers were there too. Her older brother was so helpful with both Alan and Anna! He "babysat" Anna several times for me during the shower, she actually only was with me when she wanted to be. He and his brother even played Legos and camping with Alan the whole time. What a great helper! He was quite proud to be helping out at his sister's baby shower!

Some of the decorations from the baby shower yesterday

The shower was so well planned! They had nametags for everyone, a little place for us to write notes to Baby Bryson, a paper onesie clothesline for us to write Words of Wisdom on, and they have a cute baby present BINGO that I had never seen before! It was all monkey themed, so cute! And there was so much yummy fruit, the kids and I were just in heaven! They had some sort of delicious strawberry punch made too, I probably had five cups of the stuff! So good!

Anna at the baby shower, what a cheeser!

Alan really didn't want his photo taken again lol!

Cute story about the gift we got Bryson: We were shopping in the baby area at Target. I had picked out a really cute elephant outfit for him and we were headed to get a giftbag. We walked past a bunch of really detailed superhero onesies and Alan stopped. He started insisting that we buy a Robin onesie for Baby Bryson. But he was calling it an Incredibles onesie. I knew it wasn't Dash (the little blonde boy in the Incredibles) but couldn't convince him any different. So we ended up buying it for him, as well as some comfy sweatpants. Silly guy!

Oh back to the party-the cake! The cake was so cute too! It was a really well done graham cracker cake with fondant frosting on top in the shape of a baby boy's butt and feet. So adorable!

Lol at Anna photobombing Kari's cake picture!

Kari, I love you so much. We have been such wonderful friends for three years now, I definitely consider you to be family. I am so excited that you were able to share two special events of my life with me: my wedding and Anna's pregnancy and birth. Now I will be able to share them with you! I know that you will be an amazing mother and that Ryan will be a fantastic father. Baby Bryson is so lucky to have you two in his life! :) Wishing you a quick labor and delivery, and a healthy little boy. We love you guys!

April 2011 to March 2014


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