Good News! And Spring Showcase Maddness!

Are you having a bad day? Feeling a little glum? Well I have the thing for you! :D A bunch of GOOD NEWS to make you smile and brighten your day! Plus, some cute kiddos too. :P Okay I am just being silly now but seriously, how long has it been since I have had something GOOD to tell you about this family's home situation? Quite some time, if I do say so myself. Well, I am tired of the negative so I found a different solution to our problem! Yay!

We have been waiting for the okay on this before we shared it with my blog readers, I didn't want to count our chickens before they hatch so to speak lol. But honestly because I love you guys lol, I have been so impatiently waiting to tell you! I am just so excited! We are applied for the First Time HomeBuyers Program and will hopefully be buying our OWN HOME SOON!!! This is the best news I have had for a while, I am so tired of renting and after being turned down by 7 different places recently, I am just done with landlords and rental companies. What a waste of money and time. Lon and I have wanted to buy a house since we were married almost three years ago anyways, we just could never afford a down payment on a house or a loan. This program is designed to help us with that!

Now I need to clarify some things first, we aren't going to be getting this house in the next month. It will take some time, we have a lot more paperwork to fill out, classes to take, and then we have the whole finding a Realtor and house, closing on the house, etc. We will probably not be fully moved in for several more months. Which will be rough on us, still living as a seperated family but totally worth it in the long run. Having a nice 4 bedroom house that is ours and no one else's will be the best thing for us! I am prepared for the long journey ahead of us, like I told the lady at Community Development, I will do anything reasonable to get my family into a house! :) I am so excited for this!

I have some more good news for you too, but that will have to wait for another time. I am quite excited about this as well but like this house, I want to make sure its finalized before I share it with everyone. :) Finally some good things coming for this family! Our good karma is kicking in! :D The Tao is quite good to us if we remember to follow it.

Reading at the doctor's office

Miss Anna has been sick lately, she has a horrid cough. I took her to the doctor's office on Tuesday for it. The girl is a good 24 pounds 14 ounces, she is so darn small! :) The doctor listened to her lungs and checked her ears, remarkably she let him check them without fight! She was clearly a little apprehensive about the whole situation but NO WHERE NEAR how she used to act after her dog bite incident. She barely fussed once and instead just clutched onto me and hid her face. I was quite pleasantly surprised! Maybe we are over the doctor fear???? I am hoping so! :D The other good news: no croup, no ear infections, just a plain cold! I will take that any day!

Alan also had a dentist appointment that day. It has been almost a year since he had his cavities filled. They actually had him stay in there without Anna and I. I was a little anxious about the whole thing but Alan did very well. They took XRays of his teeth and cleaned them, the dental assistant said his teeth looked very good. The dentist was not in that day, but the dental assistant said that she would show him the XRays and have him call us with his opinions. But they were well brushed and clean. :) Good job Alan, keep up the good work!

With my gymnastics showcases next month and my dance showcase in May, we have been so crazy busy preparing! This week are started teaching my gymnastics classes their floor routines for their showcase in April. This was my first time choreographing gymnastics routines, its quite a bit different then dances. But still very similar in some aspects. Being my first time, I thought that the students would think the routines were too easy. However to the contrary, they were hard for most of the kids! I am so glad, it gives them a goal to strive and work hard for! :) They will be learning the beam routine next week, I hope that it is also a little difficult for them. I cannot wait to see how they turn out!

As for my hip hop class, we are a little over a month away from our spring showcase with the other dance classes. I am so excited for this year's showcase! We are doing two dances this year, one to Despicable Me's "Happy" and the other to a Deadmau5 song. The first one is going to be Minion themed, with silly movements and steps. The kids just LOOOOOOOVE this dance! They always want to do only this one lol. Silly girls and boys! :P The other dance is based on the idea that life is always more interesting with dance in it. Everyone goes about their ways at the beginning, until our main dancer brings "life" to them by giving them a hat and dancing with them. Its a cool concept, but a lot more difficult to teach lol. Solos within group dances are hard to choreograph! Regardless, I know both dances will be amazing! I can't wait to see them as a finished project!

One of my students performing her solo at the end of class

I had worked my hip hoppers so hard in class last night, everyone was sweaty and beat. So to keep them motivated and to hopefully cool down the room, I dimmed off the lights for the end of our class. It did the trick! The room cooled down and they loved it! They felt like they were performing onstage already, with all the little spotlights. It was pretty fun, I do have to admit. Good class! :)

So many good things happening to us, its about time! Here's too many more awesome things for our amazing little family!


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