Belated Birthday Wishes to My Siblings...

Its a good thing that my siblings don't read our blog consistently, or base of relationship on what I post on here lol... because I am WAY behind on posting about their birthdays on here. I posted a photo on FB and IG for them on their actual birthdays. And Aunt Natalie we called. We took Uncle Kalvin out to Chuck E. Cheese for his birthday. We still owe him a trip to Bricks and Mini-Figs though, that's what he really wanted lol. :P Happy birthday guys!

My mom and sister were still in Seattle at Velocity, so just the kids and I took Uncle Kalvin to Chuck's. I took them after my dance showcase. We ordered pizza and a salad bar, the service was okay. Definitely no where near as good as what Natalie and I used to do, but okay for sure. :) The kids ate quickly so they could play. Uncle Kalvin and Alan played together a bit, and Anna played with Alan some too.

Uncle Kalvin and Alan playing air hockey

Alan and Anna on the motorcycle together

We didn't have cake this time, but each kid got a Chuck E Cheese lollipop! We wish that Aunt April, Aunt Natalie, Benton and Grandma Melanie were also there! Love you guys! Happy tenth birthday Uncle Kalvin!

Also, a special happy birthday to my amazing sister! Last year was a big year for her, with the birth of Benton and her engagement to Uncle Jake! I cannot to see what this year will bring for her! I know that her wedding will be just wonderful, I cannot wait to be a part of it! Happy 22nd birthday babe. We love you so much. You are an amazing mother, a hard worker, an awesome aunt, and the best sister. Hope your day gets better, hope Benton does well with his ear tube surgery. Keep us updated! :)


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