The 2nd Annual Spring Dance Showcase

I had my spring showcase this past weekend. It was the YMCA's second annual showcase, this time the ballet classes joined up with us! We had 5 classes, 31 kids and eight dances total. It was quite the little recital! One of our dance teachers was retiring, so I had all of her students sign a card and we gave her flowers. I am very proud of all of my kids for doing their best and making this recital amazing! We had a weekend full of practice, team building and performances!

We started out the weekend with four hours of dress rehearsal. I helped for the whole rehearsal, but each class only came for 45 minutes. Each class rehearsed the finale with the other class for 15 minutes then worked on their own dances for the other half hour. I loved helping at the rehearsal, I know most of the girls in the dance program, through subbing and them being in other programs with me. I love them all so much! Its great to get to work with all the students, not just my own kids. Plus they were all so well behaved!

The three ballet classes... Butterflies, Bumblebees, Bunnies and Flowers!

It was a new experience for my hip hop kids to be performing in the Flanagan Gym. Its a much larger gym and the audience is elevated above the performers. Makes for a different performing experience. I am very proud that they followed my corrections and critiques! Despite being very nervous, they did very well! Good job kids!

At the dress rehearsal, the end pose for Dance Fever

The jazz class rehearsing their Despicable Me

After the dress rehearsal, we had our traditional pizza party at the Village Inn. I had six of my eleven kids show up, plus Alan! It was a lot of fun! We ordered pizza together, played a few games together, and had brownies for dessert. I always do pizza parties for the team building aspect of it but I totally have to admit, its a lot of fun too! :D One of the many perks of being a dance teacher! Here are my pizza partiers, minus two who had to leave earlier.

The day of the showcase was so stressful! I showed up like ten minutes late, the dressing room coverings would not stay up no matter what we did, and I missed my dance colleage's retirement announcement. But my kids did wonderful and they made me cry. I am so proud of them and despite all the crazy things that happened, it was fabulous second showcase! I didn't get any photos of videos of the performances, but I did get the class and individual photos of my kids. They all looked so awesome, I am so very proud of them! Get ready for a photo dump, because. HERE. IT. COMES!!!

The Dance Fever group pose

The ballet bunnies dancing, so cute!

All 31 kids in costume with Miss Alice and the Dancing Snowman

The silly group pose for our Happy dance

The serious group pose for our Happy dance

I feel like I looked crazy but I got a lot of compliments on my outfit. Which is good, I guess, but I still think I am getting rid of the dress now that I have "officially" worn it to an event of mine. Now I can justify donating it to Good Will, in hopes of karmatically finding another fancy dress. Lol wishful thinking! :P

I had a sweet student who got me a bouquet of flowers too! Thanks sweetheart! :D As a old-school performer stuck in my old ways, I just looooooove to receive flowers after a performance! And I got all roses! Lucky me! Thanks to everyone who made this showcase special, to my students and the other classmates, to their parents and family members, to Miss Alice and Miss Jenna, to our dance director Mistie and to all the other Y staff! This showcase wouldn't exist without all of you! You are all amazing! To my dance students, I hope to see you next session or in the fall!

I have been so behind on posts with the showcases and both of my siblings' birthdays. Sorry guys, I will catch up now that I have a month off from dance!


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