Diversity's Dance Recital and Dominic's Birthday Party

This weekend was also full of dance recitals and birthday parties lol. Its funny how the month of May is usually always like that. :P But this time around it was Aunt April's Diversity Dance Studio recital and Alan's school friend Dominic's third birthday party. It was a lot of work for this mama lol, but a good Saturday for us overall!

Dominic's party was actually at the YMCA. Dom's mom works with me there as well. I think I may be having Alan's party this year at the Y as well, but I haven't fully made up my mind yet. The party was a blast though! It was one of my tumble parties, the kids had a great time! Alan loved running all over with Dominic and his older brother. He always has so much energy lol. :) Anna tried to keep up with them, but after a bit she just started doing her own thing. Silly girl!

Anna about to shoot a hoop

Alan as the King of the World lol

Alan and Anna went on the zipline maybe a billion times. Dang my monkey kids love that thing! Anna can almost go by herself now, hopefully sometime after her second birthday she will be strong enough. Alan is the zipline master now at 4 and a half lol. He was trying all sort of crazy things on the zipline! It was just AWESOME Towards the end, Anna became a wee bit grumpy. I don't know if maybe she just didn't sleep well last night or was teething or what. She just wasn't happy. She threw a fit while waiting to sing "Happy Birthday" and screamed through the whole song lol. I'm not too sure, maybe she doesn't like waiting to eat her cake? :P

Alan on the zipline!

Anna's fit during "Happy Birthday" lol, priceless

After the party, we went home and took a nap before the recital. I wanted Miss Anna to be good and rested so she would behave her best. I had decided that of the two dance recitals April had this month, the Diversity one would be better to bring young children lol. Diversity has kids Alan's age already onstage and they have more "fun" pieces for kids. No offense, but the Ballet isn't too kid friendly. I think they would be bored out of their gourds lol. So I figured Diversity was the best option.

I was quite wrong though, maybe Anna didn't need to go at all lol? She must have been still wound up from the party or just really wanted to be onstage dancing with her Aunt, because that girl would not sit in a chair at all! We watched a few numbers off to the side really close to the actual stage, but then Anna started trying to climb onstage! So we had to go back out in the lobby for a bit. Then my mom and I tried corraling her between the four seats we had. She was good standing there and bouncing along for about... two dance numbers. Then she was trying to go farther then she was allowed and crawling under our legs and yelling. So back out we went. :) We tried having her color, it was too dark in there so back out we went. We tried a sucker but she kept doing daredevil stunts so we had to take that away. And back out we went. I spent the majority of the recital like this photo shows, with me sitting outside the door in the lobby listening to the music with Anna being wild next to me.

I was able to catch a few of Aunt April's dances though. I saw "Winter Song" and "Taking Care of Business." Both which I have seen before and both of which I do enjoy a lot! "Winter Song" is one of my favorites from this year! Unfortunately I didn't get to see Theo's piece, or Tessie's piece or even Kevin's piece. They are also in my Top 5 Favorites list and I really wanted to see them one last time! :/ I did get to see Brooke perform though, she did great! Brooke is my old dance teacher's daughter. I was pregnant with Alan when she was pregnant with Brooke, they were born a day apart lol. :) I was very happy I was able to see her perform for the first time ever! Makes me think about when Anna is old enough to do that. :)

Unfortunately, we left after the intermission. It was already 8 in the evening and Anna was about asleep. I had parked several blocks away too, so it totally sucked walking by myself with two kids on a Saturday night downtown. We walked past several creepy people and I had to remind myself to just breathe and keep going a few times. There are too many bars and casinos downtown, seriously! :/ It totally destroys the amazing historical look that we love so much! More theatres and historical buildings perserved please and less of these crappy casinos and "alcohol dispensaries." Yuck!

The kids looking out the second story window at the Alberta Bair Theatre

All in all, it was a great weekend. The party was a ton of fun and the recital was still very nice. I always enjoy what Diversity puts out at the end of every year. That's a group of hard working ladies! Good job Aunt April and good job girls! I really cannot wait until this fall, we will actually be able to put Anna in dance this year. And we decided to keep in the family and sign her up at Diversity! It will be a Mama Daughter Creative Movement class and I am so excited! Yay another dancer in the family!


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