Catching up some...

We have been so busy this week preparing for that boy's birthday party on Friday, that I have yet to even post about his first day of school! Wow! So we are in need of some MAJOR catching up! 

This past weekend, Aunt Natalie and her family came into town to host their wedding reception in Billings. They stayed the whole weekend and we even went to one of Aunt April's first football games as a varsity cheerleader. We had a wonderful time! Benton even started walking while he was here! We all were able to see a major milestone for him! I was so happy! Auntie loves you so much BB!

Gotta love my weird siblings and I. Trying so hard to take a family photo at Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake's reception, it took probably five times to get a nice picture! And Uncle Jake's thumb is even in it! Lol, we are so crazy!

We also celebrated Alan's birthday early because Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake wouldn't be able to come back next weekend. They took us to Chuck E Cheese's for lunch and then after Alan opened up his gifts from them. He got a light jacket and Lego t-shirt for school and a cool TMNT gym bag to carry his toys and books around in. Thanks guys, he loved the gifts! Oh, and more of my wild family lol. This is all Black Mail for my younger sister, she thinks she is too cool for us but she can be just as weird as we can be! Lol, love you April!

This week Alan started preschool, we found out that Anna didn't start dance (YES!) but I did and Alan turned five years old. It was so busy! Alan had a wonderful first day of school. We made a sign for him to hold and he decorated it with drawings of us, his family. :) So sweet! We then walked to school and I dropped him off. Once we were in the classroom, it was "Bye Mom, see you in a few hours" and he walked off. Meanwhile, other kids cried for their parents. One poor little girl too forever to calm down! But not my boy, he had already been here for a year, this was nothing to him. I can't believe how much he has grown up! I took a few pictures of him before being kicked out and then was able to watch him during gymnastics (yes, his preschool offers learning curriculum along with gymnastics and swim lesson, BOOM!) which was nice. He didn't even notice me!

I can't believe that he is growing up so fast! Before we know it, he'll be a valedictorian graduating from high school!


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