Alan is quite excited to be going on his field trip to the zoo with his preschool class today. Anna and I hope that we will be able to get off in time to join him, if not though I hope he has a wonderful time with all of his friends! We had a pretty low key weekend, I taught my hip hop class and then we went to Uncle Kalvin's football game on Saturday. I also went through all of Miss Anna and Mister Alan's summer clothes and put out their fall/winter clothes. Anna was pretty short on clothes (she wore 18M clothes last winter and now is in 3T) so we went to the second hand store to buy her some new clothes. We got her seven pairs of pants, five shirts, two pairs of pajamas and a pack of big girl underwear! For only twenty bucks! What a great deal! Sunday we hung out with Lon and took family pictures on the Rims. Nice and easy weekend, just the way I like them lol!

We really enjoyed going to Uncle Kalvin's football game. It was the second one of the season, he was playing a team named the Cowboys. The football program he belongs to uses NFL football team names, I think its pretty cute. But let me tell you, these boys are quite serious about football. It was pretty wild there! Everyone is very into it!

The games took place at Pirtz Field, just by Stewart Park and the mall. We went with Grandma Melanie, Grandpa Kevin was helping out with the game. We showed up for the last half of the game, I don't think my kids could have handled the whole game lol, they were pretty rowdy. They loved the whole thing though. Anna sat in her stroller and cheered when everyone else cheered, munching on some snacks we had brought. Alan watched some of the game and spent the rest of the time running laps between two trees close by. He had so much energy! He found some friends and played with them for a bit too. It was so nice out, all sunny and perfect weather. It was supposed to snow all week long, but we all got lucky in Billings! The snow only hit Eastern Montana!

Alan and Anna outside the concession stand

My father and brother lol, they were just in total football heaven! My dad held one of the flags for the game (I know that he has always dreamed of doing that lol) and Kalvin worked so hard during the game. He was on defense and let me tell you, that kid may be small but he can sure tackle! You rock it Kal, don't let your size determine what you can do! Your (small) big sister is very proud of you! I am also proud to say that Uncle Kalvin's team won the game! Yeah! Good job Steelers! Good hustle!

Alan, Anna and Uncle Kalvin after the game

The other cool thing about Pirtz Field is the playground they have. Its right in the center of all the baseball fields, tucked away safely from any outside traffic. In theory, kids can play there while their parents watch the game. We went after our game, however, as a treat for the kids behaving during the game. Alan and Anna loved it, even though it was just a small playground. It had real sand in a real sandbox. Alan was so happy, he loves to get dirty in the sandbox! I swear he was never going to leave lol! Anna loved all the slides they had there, she went on each one probably a million times. They were so happy to get to burn off that last bit of energy. Miss Anna totally passed out on the way home lol.

Our family pictures look just amazing from what I have seen! I am still waiting to get the finished edits from our photographer, but she showed me a few yesterday before we left and I must say, "Wow!" They won't need much editing, these are probably the best family photos we have ever taken! Alan and Anna look so adorable and the few with Lon and I in them look good as well lol. We also took individuals of Alan and Anna for their five year and two year photos. Kelsie even got some of Alan as a cowboy! She had him chewing a piece of grass! Priceless! I will post them asap tomorrow!


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