Happy Fifth Birthday Alan!!!!!

Today my handsome, amazing, super sweet, very smart, wonderful, loving son is turning five years old.

I cannot believe that he is five now! I remember being pregnant with him, I remember the labor, I remember having him and I remember him as a itty bitty baby. Now he is big, entirely his own person with his own opinions and personality. He is so stinking smart, always wanting to learn about new things. He loves everyone and everything! He loves to take care of his baby sister and his cousin Benton. He wants to be friends with everyone, will talk to anyone he meets on the street and tell them to "Have a great day." I have never met such a wonderful young man before! We are so lucky to call ourselves his parents, he is just amazing!

We are having his birthday party tonight. First, we will be making the trip to Bricks and MiniFigs for some Lego fun and shopping. Alan cannot wait, he has been talking about the Lego store all month long lol! After our Lego exploration, we will be going to the Y to have a gymnastics party with all of his friends from school! We got him a new bike with training wheels, school shoes and the new Spiderman movie. It will be such a great time! Alan is just so excited! Tune in next week to see how it all went! For now though, here is a timeline of Mister Alan:

August 2009, in womb

September 2009, Newborn

September 2010, One year old

September 2011, Two years old

September 2012, Three years old

September 2013, Four years old

September 2014, Five years old

Happy fifth birthday Alan Mikael! We love you so much!


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