Anna's First Dance Class!

Its here, its finally here! Miss Anna started her first day of dance class today. She is in the Parent/Child Creative Movement class at my old dance studio, Diversity Dance. Her teacher's name is Miss Rachel, she is so very nice. I have seriously been waiting for this day since we found out that we were having a girl, you know like two and a half years ago????? Lol, I am definitely NOT a dance mom… Wait isn't that exactly what I a dance mom is? I am just so excited for her to be starting dance!

Anna in her leotard before class

We started out class playing with some stuffed animals and going over the alphabet. We did "A" for Anna and for airplane, "J" for Jadelynn and Jack-in-the-box, and "I" for Isabelle and Inchworm. Each letter we did a different action, Anna loved it! Then we pulled out the musical instruments and danced to the Mouse-rcise song, a Mickey Mouse song that I have childhood memories stretching to! It was pretty cool dancing to that song with Anna. She loved all the instruments too, she ran around with the green maracas for a bit before trading them out for a tambourine and some jingle bells. She even came up with the idea of using the jingle bells on the tambourine to make drum sounds! Even Miss Rachel was proud of her!

Then we went into another dance room for the tumbling obstacle course. I only got one photo of this, of Anna rolling out of her tumble, but its so blurry I don't want to post it here. But there was a slide, a "balance beam" made out of dance boxes, a hoppy horsie, a tumble wedge, other foam pieces for them to balance on and mats for them to practice galloping on. My silly girl kept skipping obstacles and going straight for the tumble mat, horsie or the slide. I had to work with her to get her to do the other things. But for her first time, I still think she did wonderful. :) Miss Rachel was quite impressed with her tumbling skills too. I told her that's what having a gymnastics teacher for a mother will do to you lol.

After the obstacle course, we took a quick milk break and then headed back into the original room for some princess dancing. This is where Miss Rachel pulls out old dance costumes, "princess dresses," and has the students dance around to Frozen music. This was probably Anna's favorite part of the whole class! She picked out a pretty pink dress and two necklaces and her magic wand. She was set!

All set with her necklace, dress and wand!
The danced all around the room with Miss Rachel. I was actually surprised that Anna no longer needing me to follow her around. She chased Miss Rachel, singing along and laughing. I was able to stand back and watch, taking pictures of her. I was so proud of Anna! Afterwards, each kiddo got a sticker and a "gem." The gems are to save up and get a prize from Diversity! Thought that was a pretty cool idea! Miss Rachel said that Anna is a great listener and did wonderful for her first class ever! Good job little miss! Mommy loves you!


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