I Love How Much They Love Each Other...

Isn't this the most precious couple of pictures you have ever seen? Yeah, I came across these two being oh so adorable yesterday morning. Lon was watching them while I did a few loads of laundry during his mid shift break at home. He hollered at me to come look at the kids and I found the cutest two children ever! Alan was gently laying on Anna's belly while she played on her play mat and he was telling her about the loin and their faces in the mirror. He was pretty much explaining reflections to her! I thought it was the sweetest thing ever, I tried to snap a few pictures of them playing but you know how well a mama can hide with a camera lol, before I knew it I had both kids attention. :) But it was still a very sweet moment for the whole family! You can really tell that they love each other so much, and that melts my heart so. I love my family! How did I get so lucky?