Thanksgiving 2012

I have so much to be thankful for, I am still realizing this everyday. I know I have been MIA, but we are still getting our new place figured out. Earlier last week, my cousin Blake and his girlfriend Maddie had their beautiful baby boy. He was born at 5:30 in the evening and is a healthy seven pounds! They named him James. :) What a sweetheart he is! We have yet to meet him but cannot wait! I bet he is just gorgeous!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. The children let Lon and I sleep in some and when I woke up, I made a big breakfast of eggs and bacon for everyone. Alan and I made four dozen pumpkin cookies for everyone, it was quite a bit harder than making cupcakes with him. There is a lot more to making pumpkin cookies than just mixing everything into one bowl. But they turned out fabulous nonetheless! Everyone enjoyed them, a complete success!

First, we went to Great Grandma Carol's house. Aunt Carolyn and her whole family were there, including the adorable Miss Sophie. My family had gone to Townsend to meet up with Aunt Natalie.  We missed them so but they had a wonderful time too! Alan had a great time chasing her around and playing with her. They played with all the same toys we did when we were kids. It was pretty cool. Sophie was also very excited to see Anna, since they are buddies. She was even more excited when she found out that Anna was going to eat her first solids. Everyone gathered around her, which worried me because I thought that she would not like all the attention. But she did not care. The most important audience member was there, my Great Grandma Carol. This was our special Thanksgiving and early birthday present to her. And she loved it so much! I enjoyed seeing the happiness on her face as she watched Anna take her first bites. It made my day almost as much as it made hers!

Anna enjoyed her first meal, despite what most people said. She did not spit it out or fuss, she knew that she was eating and she was happy! That girl has wanted to eat since she was born, I swear. She was so happy once she finally got to. Here are my favorites from her first meal:

We also visited Grandma Amber and Grandpa Steve. Aunt Ariel was there, along with Uncle Chase, Uncle Tyler and Aunt Sam. Alan played with the puppy dogs and I chatted it up with my MIL while she cooked dinner. Lon caught up with his brothers too, which was nice. He does not get to talk to them a lot because he is always working so it was good for him. Then it was dinner time. We had two types of turkey, regular and smoked turkey. The smoked turkey was definitely my favorite! We also had mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, rolls and green bean casserole. Yum! I love Thanksgiving food!

After dinner, we all sat around and talked for hours. We even forgot to have pie, we talked so much! How I love just doing that with my loved ones. :) What a perfect way to end our Thanksgiving! Our Thanksgiving weekend was mostly uneventful, I did not participate in Black Friday and the Nutcracker was sold out early this year. But Saturday, Aunt Natalie came into town and surprised us! We had dinner together and then met up with them for some dessert at Perkins. Alan must have had a little too much fun because he got excited, choked on some spit and then threw up all over my mom and I. It was quite chaotic lol! But we survived at least. And I was so happy to see Aunt Natalie! She has to work Christmas this year so we were afraid that we would not see her this year. I was so happy for the surprise!

I hope everyone else had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well! There is so much to be thankful for! If you liked this post and this blog, please click on the link below to vote for my blog at Top Baby Blogs. I guess that they have reset there listings, so the easier for us to move up with a lot of votes lol! ;) Hint, hint! I am now currently at Number 186, but it would be the coolest to get down to 150. Thanks to everyone who is voting for me!  You are all awesome!

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