Five Question Friday! November 2, 2012

Happy Friday everyone! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo very delighted to say that today is one of our last days in this old house! We only have beds in our living room right now, from our co-sleeping adventure last night (for another post lol) and we will be moving them out Monday! We just need the MDU gas man to give us the okay on our house. We have had a lot of problems with this house we are moving into (I will write a post about this today) so I am very glad that we have finally gotten everything fixed and can move in! Hooray! Not much else going on today or this weekend, just a ton of unpacking and cleaning the old apartment. I might try and take a break to visit my friend Jessica, who had her second baby last Monday, or take Alan to a park but other than that, just unpacking!

With all of this moving we are doing, I am reminded how lucky my family is to have possessions to move right now. In some places arcoss the states, there are people who do not have anything right now. There are people who are still lost and maybe will never make it home. Yes I am talking about Hurricane Sandy. This is a very humbling thought to me. Because of this, we are not only moving this week but decluttering our family from unneccessary materials and donating them to those in need. I have clothing for a whole family, food and some other small neccessities that we will be shipping to the East Coast. I urge everyone who is safe and away from the storms to do the same.

Those people need our help right now. I beg you, please give everything you can. Our family does not have much but we have provided a whole family with materials, love and support. You can do the same. Still praying for everyone affected.

In other news still, we are going over to my parent's house for a good ol' Friday Fish Fry after we move our last non-neccessity load over to the new house. I have not had fish since before I got pregnant (not counting the salmon I had in the hospital with Anna because... I said so) so I am one excited mama! I seriously love fish, it is the only "seafood" I will eat! Lobster, crab, squid and all those other weird things gross me out but I grew up fishing the lakes of Montana, and then eating my catch and feeling like ten million bucks. Yeah, those were the days. Mental note: take Alan and Anna fishing when they get old enough. Can you tell I am excited???

Here is Five Question Friday!

What terrifies you the most?
Honestly? Anything happening to my children.

That is my biggest fear. I could deal with all the hatred, negativity, fire, death, disease, and destruction in this world as long as it never affected my children. But really, the only nightmares I ever have are about something happening to my kids. I love them to much to let anything ever happen to them!
Favorite fall/winter drink?
Around this time of the year is when I start getting back into drinking chai teas hot instead of on ice. I usually prefer them on ice except for this one time of year, like November until January. I do not know why, probably just the cold that Montana brings with it every winter.

Do you and your spouse have the same political views?
Oh FQF, this is the SECOND time you have had me post about politics, after I already promised myself I would not post about them. I do not believe they belong on this blog, as it is my family blog. Politics are dirty and have no place on my blog. But for the sake of FQF, I will answer this one question and post about them again. Thank goodness its only four days away now!

My husband and I do have the same political views. We both are pretty liberal and though we never discuss who we plan on voting for beforehand, we always end up voting for the same people or things. We think that much alike lol.

 What was the last book you read? Was it any good?
 The last book I read was the Hunger Games. I posted a review of it on here. And yes, I just loved it! What a great book, I cannot wait until I can get the second book to read! Ahhhhh the suspense!

Do you look forward to the snow each winter? Why or why not?
Being a Montanan, I do love the snow! I was raised as a snow bunny, my family used to go ice fishing and ski and sled and go snowmobiling all the time when we are kids. Its kind of built into me. I usually cannot wait for the first snow each year but this year I am a little reluctant, only because Anna is still so young and so tiny. But I know that Alan will really enjoy the snow and Winter this year, I cannot wait to experience that!


I hope that everyone has a great weekend! Ours will most definitely be filled with unpacking and housewarming! Yay!


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