Anna's Three Month Photos

I attempted to take Anna's three month old photos just before Halloween. I say attempted because in my  opinion, they did not turn out as nice as I had wished but they were good enough. For Alan's three month photos, we put him in a stocking as it was so close to Christmas. I love those pictures and wanted to try and think of something equally cool. That's when I thought of the pumpkins.

I figured we would cut out little holes on the bottom of the pumpkin and put her in it like a Bumbo seat. Well after trying this with not a lot of luck (I kept getting her stuck in it and upset) we decided to just take pictures with her next to it. So here are the first set of pictures, unedited still. I will posted the edited versions later.

I like the way the natural sunlight makes shadows on everything, this makes for a cool effect when I edited them. I think they turned out pretty decent, for how crazy the whole photo shoot was. Here is the edited versions too:

I hope everyone enjoys them, I like them soooooo much better now that they are edited! So pretty!


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