Anna's First Halloween

We had a good Halloween this year. Alan was finally old enough to truly enjoy everything and it was Anna's first Halloween. To answer all my curious readers, Alan was the Incredible Hulk and Anna was a cupcake. :) I dressed up as Anna's birthday girl and she was my cupcake.

I woke up Hallween morning to this wonderful post on Facebook from a great friend. I instantly shared it on my own page, but for those of you who are not my friends, here is the post:

Tomorrow, a lot of creatures may visit your door. Be open minded. The child who is grabbing more than one piece of candy might have poor fine motor skills. The child who takes forever to pick out one piece of candy might have motor planning issues. The child who does not say "trick-or-treat" or "thank you" might be painfully shy, non-verbal, or selectively mute. If you cannot understand their words, they may struggle with developmental Apraxia of speech. They are thankful in their hearts and minds. The child who looks disappointed when he sees your bowl might have a life-threatening allergy. The child who isn't wearing a costume at all might have Sensory Processing Disorder or Autism. Be kind, be patient, smile, pretend you understand. It's everyone's Halloween. Make a parent feel good by making a big deal of their special child. :)
I just love it! Is that not the total truth? I think so! I hope everyone remembers this every Halloween! Here are the kids' costumes. Do you not love Alan's? We hand made it ourselves and did not spend a dime! Looks almost professional though! :P

I took a break from moving to take Alan to Healthy Halloween at the YMCA for the day. It was the first Healthy Halloween I did not have to work, I was pretty excited. We trick or treated around the gym, saying hi to all of Alan's work buddies. Everyone loved Alan and Anna's costumes. Then we checked out the Halloween games in the Thomas Kids Gym. There were several fun little games for the kids- a ring toss, bean bag throw, tick tack toe game and even some cardboard cutouts to pose with. Alan had a blast and got a cool prize from each game. He would only pose next to Donkey from Shrek though, the other ones he refused to stand next to for some reason.

We took a little shuttle bus around downtown to go trick or treating too. We trick or treated at Babcock Theatre, Bajon's Books, Good Earth Market, and the police department before walking the rest of the way home. Alan's favorite was the police department. Thankfully, Anna slept the whole time around but we were all exhausted by the time we got home.

After taking a little nap, it was time for work. Alan got to wear his Hulk costume to school, he was very excited to show his friends. His BFF Korbin ended up not dressing up like the Hulk as well, he dressed up like Darth Maul, but one of his other friends dressed up as the Hulk. His other two friends were Batman and Robin. A bunch of superheros at school! :) No one showed up to my first hiphop class but I had two girlies show up to the second. We finished learning the rest of Thriller and preformed it for their parents. I thought it ended up really good and the parents loved it! What a good idea I had for a fun Halloween class.

We had a quick dinner of pizza delivered by none other than Aunt Sam herself, she loved that she got to see Anna in her cupcake costume with Grandma Melanie. We put everyone's pumpkins out, including Alan's spooooooky pumpkn lol. Then we went around the block with Grandpa Kevin, Uncle Kalvin and Aunt April. This was the first year Alan really wanted to go trick or treating. He was so excited, he would not stay with the group. I finally convinced him to hold my hand and we were set. After that, all Alan wanted to do was knock on the door. He would even knock a second time if Uncle Kalvin had already knocked. No one minded though and we had a fantastic time!

We did not get a chance to visit Grandma Amber and Grandpa Steve but we had a make up Halloween visit with them today. Instead we went to Great Grandma Carol and Great Grandpa Floyd. It was so awesome to see them, its been since Alan's birthday that they have seen the kids. I laid Anna on the floor to let her show them how she can roll over now and how close she is to crawling. I am not sure who enjoyed it more, Great Grandma Carol or Great Grandpa Floyd. It made them so happy though, I loved every minute of it! After a while, Great Aunt Carolyn and Great Uncle Rick brought cousins Julie and Sophie over to trick or treat. Sophie was dressed up as a pirate and Julie was a starving college student lol. :) Alan was excited to see Sophie but he was a little rough with her. He knocked her over on accident a few times.

Sophie was all about Anna though. I did not realize that she would be soooooo into her, but she would not leave her side! She kept petting her head and talking so sweetly to her. It melted my heart! I have not heard Sophie talk to much either, the last time we saw her was her second birthday party in June. She was not talking as much then! She is quite the little chatterbox now. How cool! I love watching kids grow up! And I am so glad that Anna already has a little buddy in her cousin Sophie! Very cool!

Halloween was the best this year! We had such a great time! I hope everyone else did too! Happy Halloween everyone! :D How was your Halloween?


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