Cordelia's Halloween Birthday Party

I have also neglected posting about Cordelia's party, in addition to posting about our moving problems, because I have yet to develop the pictures from the party and correlate them with the ones her mama Heather took. But I have the pictures from Heather, so I guess now is as good of a time as ever to do this post. I need to stop slacking! Well... maybe once I am unpacked.

Anna's friend Cordelia had her first birthday party last month. Since she is a Halloween baby, her party was Halloween themed. All of the children dressed in costumes, ate creepy Halloween food and played some spooky games. Cordelia's older sister, Tatum and Alan ran all over the house, terrorizing the younger children. They were wild but had quite the fun time. Heather was so creative, she used lots of Pinterest projects to make many different Halloween snacks. There were peanut butter eyeballs, pretzel spiderwebs, apple and marshmellow toadstools and even jello worms! I loved how cool everything looked and how yummy it all was!

We had quite a fun time at Cordelia's party. It is fun to get together with everyone and just let the kids play together. I love it! Happy birthday Cordelia!


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