This Week In Pinterest

Want to see what I have been pinning this week?
My new workout plan: Before every shower do 50 jumping jacks, 5 push ups, 20 crunches, and a 30 second plank. A bookcase on a door, something that I MUST do when we buy our own house! A cute idea for Alan's Valentines for this year? A photo idea for when the kids are just a little bit older.
Elephant coin purses that I must make! An adorable apron for me to make, oh look at me turning into Holly Homemaker! Some cute braided hairstyles for me to try out. The coolest clock EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
 A glowing party, something I might just have to do for Mister Alan's fourth birthday. 40 Things that You have to make for your boy, love the car holder already! A photo idea that I just adore!
They just reset Top Baby Blogs again, so I ask you all to vote for Free Range Family! I believe we are currently at Number 190, but we would love to get back to the 150 we were at before! It will only take a few clicks and a few seconds! No time at all but it would mean the world to us. I know that all my readers will vote for us lol, you are all so great! Okay I will stop with all the cheesiness lol, I hope that everyone has a fantastic day and a wonderful weekend with your loved ones! See you Monday!

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