What I'm Loving Wednesday!! January 30, 2013

Starting back up with WILW again with Little Daisy May. I have not done one of these since the summer, if I am correct. Okay... Maybe it was September. Do not go find out for sure, all you readers lol!!! The truth is, its been a while since I have done one. And I need to on a weekly basis again. This is one of those blogging therapy things I need sometimes (I promise to do a post detailing those more throroughly sometime next month) you know? I know you do!

I'm loving quite a bit this week. Even some silly things that I may not always think about or love necessarily. A new pregnancy in your family will do that to you!

I'm loving... Aunt Natalie's newly announced pregnancy! We have known about it for a bit now, so it is nice to be able to finally talk about it and be excited about it. It was fun keeping our special secret for a while, but I am glad that we no longer have to hold it in!!!

I'm loving... that today is not only my dance class day but Alan's day for gymnastics! Wednesdays are always so fun, Alan wakes up excited for gymnastics and is in a great mood all day because of it! He keeps asking me how many more hours until class though. A little annoying. :) Mommy note to self: Teach Alan to tell time.

I'm lving... my music choice for today's dance class. As well as the dance steps I am teaching today lol. It should be one pretty intense and awesome class! Students look out lol!

I'm loving... that my new favorite song, "Thrift Shop" is number one on Fuse's Top 20 Countdown this week! I love this song man! From its awesome sax backups to its lyrics about thifting, this song is the coolest! Love that its by some cool rapper too. Honestly, he just made so many stay at home mom's number one anthem lol!

I'm loving... that tomorrow is the first Nat Geo Party at the Rimrock Mall. Alan and I invited his buddy Kelton and his mama Kelsie to go with us. Not exactly sure what we will be doing, but it will be a polar themed party this month. It should be fun!

I'm loving... that my kids are no longer sick! Neither of them! Anna just got over her most recent cold and Alan is doing great. Hopefully the Andersen household is done with cold and flu season for the year, we got hit pretty hard for us this year. :/

I'm loving... that we ran some errands around town today and I finally got my darn fenugreek! Ugh my supply has dropped considerably and I needed some more about a week ago. Wouldn't you know though that it would take the whole WEEK to get it lol! Ah motherhood.

I'm loving... that after much effort on my behalf, my house is fully clean ONE DAY EARLIER THAN USUAL. Boom! That's major big news! I am so proud of myself but I cannot seem to shake the lingering feeling that it only means my house will be messy one day earlier too lmao!

I'm loving... that Aunt Natalie and Uncle Jake plan on coming to Billings again sometime in the middle of next month. They just told us the other day. Yay! We miss them so much, I have to see them at least once a month lol! You know it! :)

I'm loving... my weird cravings I have had today: cheddar and sour cream potato chips with pretzel M&Ms, canned peaches with chips and salsa, or even spanish rice with chocolate pudding. Yum! But I am so weird! And NOT pregnant lol. Is there such things as breastfeeding cravings? Cos I may be experiencing that!

What are you loving today???


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