Happy Thursday everyone! I hope you are all having as nice of weather as we are, since I am off of work today we plan on spending all day outside in the sun!!! :) Tonight is Aunt April's birthday party, so Alan and I spent most of the morning making her birthday card. I think it looks wonderful! This week's topic: Dealing with Sickies, what do you keep on hand? Thankfully, Alan has a very high immune system like his mother and father. I can't tell you how many times I hear about my co-worker's kids getting sick like every other week, and it just makes me sick to my stomach. Those poor kiddos! :( Alan has probably only ever been sick four times in his life, and a couple of those were just infections. But I'm not going to boast about how my kid is sickness free because about once a year, when the real bad crud is going around, Alan will catch something and get sick. And when he does get sick, it hits him HARD. Poor little man, he will sleep all day and nig...
Alan is doing tons better this morning, and only had one diarrhea blow out last night. He has two and a half hours left of his liquid diet, and he's no longer contagious after noon today. Unfortunately, that means that he will not be able to go to art class today. :\ But I'm just going to prepare him some "homework" so that he still gets his art projects for that week done. And I'm just thankful last night went billions of times better than Sunday night and that he's doing so much better today. He's starting to act like himself again, which makes me smile. :) Hopefully, he'll be able to go back to daycare by tomorrow. :) And now, for Top Two Tuesday!! Top Two Things I Collect!! #1 Elephant figurines (This photo thanks to http://www.dinodirect.com) I am obsessed, I mean obsessed with elephants lol, and I have been most of my life. I think they are beautiful, brilliant, elegant creatures. <3 I have been collecting elephant figurines as l...
I know its a day late, but yesterday was the fourth lol! :P And no, I haven't had her yet. Despite how ready I am currently lol. Its been in the hundreds this past week and Tuesday it was even reading 107 degrees in some places! Way too hot for me right now! I have my midwife appointment today and they are redrawing my blood because the iron test I had last week came up inconclusive due to the blood not being drawn properly or something. Ugh lol. Here is this week's Pregnancy Post! Only two more weeks left! How far along: 38 weeks and 4 days Size of Baby: Almost 7 pounds and 19 1/2 inches long or the size of a leek Developments of Baby: Baby girl is shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with...
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