My Children at Six Months Old

Every day that Anna gets older, I remark at how much she looks like everyone. She looks just like me when I was a baby, I will have to scan some baby pictures to show you guys! She has Lon's eyes and his head shape and when she bites her bottom lip like he does, the resemblence is uncanny! But I think most of all, she looks like her brother. I mean, obviously there are a lot of differences (like their gender, their size and their hair color) but they look definitely like siblings to me! Maybe when they are both a bit older, they could even pass for fraternal twins lol!

What do you think though?




I tried to find similar pictures of their activities and facial expressions to help. I think they look so much alike. Its uncanny lol! Regardless of how much they look like siblings though, I know that they love each other like siblings. And that is what is important. I also love them to the moon and back. They are such special children to me!


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