Alan's New Year Craft Party

***For some reason, Blogger will not let me upload any pictures onto this post. Weird and oddly frustrating after I have been messing with it for sometime now. Ugh oh well... I will add in pictures later when I get to my mother's house.***

Despite Alan feeling still slightly under the weather from Influenza A, we went ahead and had his New Year's Day craft party. I am very glad that we did this too because it went so well! The party was in the late afternoon at Off the Leaf, one of the coffee shops in town. I love this place because you can rent their conference rooms FOR FREE!! It only costs $20 if you want to have outside food and drink, $40 if you are planning on selling something. So perfect for just about ANY event you need a few rooms for. Wow, love it! :) We had five big kids and two little kids, plus three other mamas. A very nice turnout! Alan did not feel well enough to participate very much, he made himself a party hat but then was too exhausted after that to decorate it. :/ So Mama put some glitter paint on it for him.

The other kids had a fantastic time! They made party hats like Alan and also made maracas out of toilet paper rolls. Tatum's mother made Alan a marca as well and I helped decorate it. I think it made him happier because at that point he had to go lay down in a chair, away from everyone, because everything was getting to be just too much for him. :/ Poor guy! He took a little nap while the kids finished making their crafts and started coloring some Sesame Street color sheets Kelsie had brought. Kelsie had also made the kids a little game. It was a spin-off on Pin the Tail on the Donkey called Pin the Carrot on the Snowman. Alan did not want to participate again, so I took a turn for him and had him help me by giving me directions. He was not too into it admittedly, but he had some fun. I just wanted him to feel included.

After the snowman game, we cleaned up the room some and let the kids run around a bit. Then we set up a book on tape that Heather had brought. All the kids quietly sat down on the chairs and listened to the story! It was Jack in the Beanstalk and I loved that it was on tape (CD technically lol). It was the perfect end to our little party! And Alan felt very included in that activity! He enjoyed sitting next to all the kids and listening to the story. It did not take any extra energy! :D Yay, makes me happy! Good idea Heather! And Anna? She chilled on the floor with Aunt April and watched Miss Cordelia the whole time. She was as happy as a clam! In the end, the kids got a watercolor set from Kelsie and Kelton and some gingerbread men from Alan and I!

The little last minute party went SO WELL that us mamas were talking about making this a monthly thing. Show up to Off the Leaf, do crafts and play games and read stories, and maybe even celebrate a holiday? Sounds like a ton of fun for Alan and his friends! We decided to do our next one in February, maybe even on Valentine's Day! How fun would that be? The kids get to come and make little Valentines that they then give out to their friends? We could even pay the extra $20 this one time and have treats. I love this idea so much, I have already been searching Pinterest lol!


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